How to use fertiliser appropriately

There are four basic things farmers need to know about fertiliser which equips them with the basics for applying it correctly and efficiently. The Editor, Indiana Prairie Farm, Tom Bechman, said, “Match your fertiliser type to crop needs. There are many types of fertiliser, including commercial and non-commercial. You need to ensure a balanced supply […]

How to use fertiliser appropriately

There are four basic things farmers need to know about fertiliser which equips them with the basics for applying it correctly and efficiently.

The Editor, Indiana Prairie Farm, Tom Bechman, said, “Match your fertiliser type to crop needs. There are many types of fertiliser, including commercial and non-commercial. You need to ensure a balanced supply of essential nutrients considering both naturally available sources and the charateristics of specific products in plant-available forms. As a farmer, ensure that nutrients are available to crops at the right time.”

The farm editor also advised farmers to make decisions based on the dynamics of crop uptake, soil supply and nutrient loss risks. Factors to be considered are: “When does the crop need the nutrients, and when are they available for uptake? What are the chances for loss prior to uptake? Typically, split applications are more efficient than one application.”

Consider the rate (quantity) of application. Ensure that the amount of nutrients the crop needs is what is applied; base that decision on available soil nutrient supply and plant demand. Balance the crops’ needs without running short or putting on too much that may be lost to the environment.

Finally, “Keep nutrients where crops can use them, and address root-soil dynamics and nutrient movement. Manage the differences and variability within each field to meet the site-specific needs of your crop and limit potential losses to the field.”