How to use the social media to market your business

The power of the social media in our day-to-day living cannot be over emphasized. And when it comes to marketing, it is quick and easy. Relying on the power of social media is A MUST if you want to grow your business and build your brand. Here are some tips on how you can ‘market’ […]

How to use the social media to market your business
How to use the social media to market your business

The power of the social media in our day-to-day living cannot be over emphasized. And when it comes to marketing, it is quick and easy. Relying on the power of social media is A MUST if you want to grow your business and build your brand.

Here are some tips on how you can ‘market’ your business on social platforms:

Open a social media account: Every social network – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn has a page where you can create your personal account. Facebook and Instagram also allow you to create a business page.  But before creating the page, ensure you read the rules first.

You can even ‘create a page’ via your personal account, if your business allows you to do so. That way, it becomes easier for you to manage it.

Be Social: Being social is an important part of increasing your online visibility and communicating with existing and potential customers. Using social media regularly will help you to keep contacting people that matter to your business. This is where Hootsuite comes in; it is a great tool for enlarging your online presence.

You can also search for groups that shares similar interests with you. Sometimes you can post pictures of what you do, to inform people that such businesses exit close to them.

Post updates: Having content on your social media pages is key before you start adding friends and followers. Therefore when you try to find friends, they would look at the page to see if they want to follow you. Hence you need to give them a reason to follow you first. Give all the necessary information about your business, post pictures of your business or people who have patronized you. If you have a YouTube account, post videos of your business, customers’ experiences, and encourage customers to make their own.

Be consistent: When it comes to your posts, your message and how frequently you use social media, keep consistency in mind. It is truly the key to success with any social media campaign. Make a plan for what you’re going to post and how often you’re going to post, and stick with it. This should ideally be a few times a day or a week, depending on your goals and your following. You can’t go from posting once a month to five times a day and then back and expect to have an engaged following

Use all social networks: You may have a social network that you prefer over others, but it doesn’t mean that all of your followers feel that way. If you want to be successful with social media, then you need to post across all networks. This means having and maintaining an account with all of the big social media sites – Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

Remain alert: Knowing what people are saying about your company through social media outlets is extremely important. However, you’re going to have to do your part to stay connected so you can see and hear people’s comments in a timely fashion.

Being aware of what your followers saying about you could help you develop a new product or make changes to an existing one in order to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Use social media to boost your business and marketing efforts.

You may need to have business and marketing plans, apart from your social media campaign. This is because a successful marketing plan varies. So with a solid social media plan, your efforts becomes more successful.

Don’t Limit Yourself: There are so many different outlets out there for your business right now that you really need to attempt to take advantage of as many of them as possible. Limiting yourself to just one or two social media outlets isn’t a wise course, so take the time to become proficient in ways that uses all the different social media sites, and make sure you stay up-to-date on new features that could boost your online presence.


In summary,

         Never neglect the power of social media for your business. You can never tell the extent of its reach to other places. This is because you may find people who are likely to be very interested in what you do.


         Upload videos of your business. You can use apps like “VivaVideo” to make videos of your business. It is the perfect tool for anybody who wants to take their business to the next step. The app comes with a range of features, some fun, some functional contents.


         Then update your contributor’s section on Google+ regularly. You need your contributor’s section to reference every site to which you contribute.


         Use Instagram regularly (If you don’t have an account, then open one). With Instagram, you want to share as much as possible. Try to share relevant photos sometimes, but it’s actually okay to add things that would give your business the boost it needs.

