How we ease registration of land title in Edo — MD, EdoGIS

We have computerised our operations by digitising over 30,000 large files

How we ease registration of land title in Edo — MD, EdoGIS

Francis Evbuomwan is the Managing Director (MD) of Edo Geographical Information Service (EdoGIS)

Francis Evbuomwan is the Managing Director (MD) of Edo Geographical Information Service (EdoGIS). In this interview, he disclosed the mechanisms put in place by the agency in easing land administration in the state.


What was the situation in land administration in Edo before the birth of EdoGIS?

Documentation was a major challenge because it was done manually and there were incidences of missing and incomplete files. The limitation of the technology deployed also hindered the process. Also, the land survey was not as accurate as it should be due to the technology used at that time. Before the coming of EdoGIS, getting C of O was herculean, very expensive and in millions of naira. It took years of leg work without approval and many people had to abandon their titles and walk away because it was very difficult to get a C of O. So many people didn’t bother because of the stress, but with the coming of EdoGIS, we have remapped the area, digitalised all the documents and we have improved on it now.

How has the new system improved the situation?

We have computerised our operations by digitising over 30,000 large files, and our work flow is completely computerised. This has enabled us to manage the process better than before. We digitised the area map of the state to zero down on every single property or plot within the urban areas to match them with the survey on actual plots on ground. So, when we find that the survey is not in concomitance for one reason or the other, we are able to go to the ground and establish the joint coordinate and reference point for adjustment. As such, we now have a more accurate representation of land titles than before. We have a land administration software that makes it easy to catalogue owner’s information that makes it impossible for two Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) to be issued on the same piece of land or any overlapping registered piece of land.

How has GIS reduced applicants’ burden in acquiring land title?

It has facilitated the reduction of the price of the process to 80 per cent cheaper with the time frame in getting a title also reduced. It used to take between one to three years to get a C of O, but presently, with all the proper documents submitted at the right time, a C of O can be obtained within three months. The process is democratised and you don’t need connections in the agency to get the C of O. What is required is for applicants to visit our customer service to inquire about any business. There are dedicated staff in the front desk offices ready to address issues presented to them. EdoGIS has made the process easier as we don’t see ourselves as a government but a service provider.

 What are the processes to get a C of O?

The whole process is quite clear, if you visit our website, all our forms, requirements and fees to pay for a land title are there. You can download our form or come to the office to pick one. After it has been filled, it will be sent back accompanied with appropriate documents, including a survey plan prepared by a registered surveyor. A passport photograph and utilities bill of current address with a processing fee of N50,000. Thereafter, a file will be opened for the applicant. When the documents are complete, a letter confirming a grant of C of O within two to three weeks and after that a certificate would be issued and the applicant would be notified. Unlike before when you had to go to government offices to pursue your files, we notify applicants through call or SMS when there are issues or the certificate is ready.

Also, it is not compulsory that applicants must be on ground to process the papers, they can send a representative with an authorised letter to confirm we are dealing with the right person.

 Since inception how many C of Os have been processed?

As at last month we received over 10,000 applications and we have issued over 6,500 titles.

 Has the process increased investment in the state?

More investors are coming into Edo State to establish businesses due to the easy processes of land title. The state government has also started several agricultural initiatives and granted C of Os to several companies such as Presco, Okomu, Farm Forte and Saro Group. In Edo state, we are issuing land titles to those who want to do business.

What are the financial ranges of the C of O?

The C of O is priced based on land size, use and location. For a plot of land which is about 900 squares, it is between N70,000 and N85,000. While a half plot goes for N60,000. It is important to emphasise that before, it would cost applicants over N1m.

How is EdoGIS’ management guarding against fraudulent processes in conniving with staff in getting C of O?

 At EdoGIS, we don’t handle cash, so there is no reason for applicants to come to our office with it. There is an invoice and all our payments are done electronically through banks. You can transfer or pay through Point-Of-Sale (POS) and the receipt will be generated electronically. Both invoice and receipt are generated from the server of the state’s board of internal revenue service, so they get the alert when the money is paid and a receipt is generated immediately. This is to ensure that all revenue generated is collected by the right body and goes directly to the government’s coffer.

 What is your message to intending applicants?

The Edo State Government has simplified the process of obtaining title for land, and not only that, the government has gone further to strengthen the security of land and title by signing into law the Edo State Private Property Protection Law 2021. This has made it a criminal offence for anyone to encroach on land or for anybody to sell a piece of land multiple times. With this, all land is secured.

I call on prospective investors to do business with EdoGIS because it is impossible for anybody to get the same registration of a property without the owner’s permission. Once we have issued a C of O, only a competent court can invalidate it, but this is different from revocation.


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