Huawei invests 15.3 per cent of 2019 revenue on R & D

Huawei has invested 15.3% of its 2019 revenue – or CNY131.7 billion – back into Research &Development. Its total R&D spend over the past decade now exceeds CNY600bn, it said in its annual report released recently. The company’s global sales revenue in 2019 rounded off at CNY858.8 billion, up 19.1% year-on-year; its net profit reached […]

Huawei invests 15.3 per cent of 2019 revenue on R & D

Huawei has invested 15.3% of its 2019 revenue – or CNY131.7 billion – back into Research &Development.

Its total R&D spend over the past decade now exceeds CNY600bn, it said in its annual report released recently.

The company’s global sales revenue in 2019 rounded off at CNY858.8 billion, up 19.1% year-on-year; its net profit reached CNY62.7 billion; and its cash flow from operating activities topped CNY91.4 billion, up 22.4% year-on-year.

“2019 was an extraordinary year for Huawei,” said Eric Xu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman. “Despite enormous outside pressure, our team forged ahead with a singular focus on creating value for our customers. We worked hard to earn their respect and trust, as well as that of our partners around the globe. Business remains solid.”

In 2019, Huawei’s carrier business led the commercial rollout of 5G networks.

To further commercial adoption and promote new innovation in 5G applications, the company established 5G joint innovation centers together with carriers worldwide.

Huawei’s RuralStar base station solutions can effectively address coverage problems in remote areas. These solutions are being used in over 50 countries and regions, bringing mobile Internet tomore than 40 million people living in remote areas. In 2019, sales revenue from Huawei’s carrier business reached CNY296.7 billion, up 3.8% year-on-year.

Huawei’s enterprise business continues to support the digital transformation of customers across industries as the company helps lay the foundations for the digital world.

Globally, more than 700 cities and 228 Fortune Global 500 companies have chosen Huawei as their digital transformation partner.