Hunger ranks ‘alarming’ in Nigeria

In many countries the situation is progressing too slowly or even worsening.

Hunger ranks ‘alarming’ in Nigeria

Concern Worldwide, a nongovernmental, International, Humanitarian Organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering, and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries has ranked Nigeria among the countries with alarming rate of hunger in a recently released Global Hunger Index for the year 2020.

The report which was developed in partnership with Welthungerhilfe, one of the largest nongovernmental development and humanitarian aid organizations in Germany, was determined by focusing on the proportion of undernourished population, prevalence of wasting, stunting and rate of mortality among the under-five children in each of over a hundred countries around the globe.

The report places Chad, Sierra leone, Afghanistan, Angola and Ethiopia on extreme alarming rates.

The 2020 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that although hunger worldwide has gradually declined since 2000, in many places progress is too slow and hunger remains severe.

These areas are highly vulnerable to a worsening of food and nutrition insecurity exacerbated by the health, economic, and environmental crises of 2020.

Alarming levels of hunger have been identified in Timor-Leste, and Madagascar.

Based on other known data, alarming hunger has also been provisionally identified in another eight countries—Burundi, Central African Republic, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Hunger is at serious levels in 31 countries and provisionally categorized as serious in another nine countries.

In many countries the situation is progressing too slowly or even worsening.

The latest projections show that 37 countries will fail to achieve even low hunger by 2030.