Husband, brother beats pregnant wife to death

Chidinma, a mother of two and native of Isselle-Uku, headquarters of Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, died Friday, last week of severe bleeding and injuries allegedly inflicted on her by her husband and his younger brother.According to family sources, the accused husband, simply identified as Iyke, has a history of domestic violence, […]

Husband, brother beats pregnant wife to death
Husband, brother beats pregnant wife to death

Chidinma, a mother of two and native of Isselle-Uku, headquarters of Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, died Friday, last week of severe bleeding and injuries allegedly inflicted on her by her husband and his younger brother.
According to family sources, the accused husband, simply identified as Iyke, has a history of domestic violence, beating his wife at the slightest provocation, particularly after bouts of drunkenness.
Octogenarian uncle of the deceased revealed that Chidinma, an orphan, had lost her third pregnancy to Iyke’s fist of fury in one of his bouts of domestic terror, which became a recurring feature.
Chidinma’s uncle told Sunday Trust that Iyke and Chidinma were merely co-habiting and the family had advised the deceased to leave Iyke after she lost her third pregnancy but she gave deaf ears to the advice.
Iyke is in his mid-30s and a native of Ukwunzu in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, is now in Police custody but has pleaded his innocence,  saying it was his younger brother, now at large, who hacked his wife to death.
The Delta State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Celestina Kalu confirmed the story but said information on the matter was still sketchy as the Isselle-Uku Police Division has not furnished the State Police Headquarters with adequate information, as investigation was on going.