‘I am not a liability but a solution provider’

Tell us about your educational background?My name is Jonathan Omachile. I obtained an Ordinary National Diploma (OND) in 2013 from Kaura Namoda Polytechnic in Zamfara State.With a diploma in Computer Science, what do you do for a living?I am into photography and video coverage of events. I decided to go into the business because I […]

‘I am not a liability but a solution provider’
‘I am not a liability but a solution provider’

Tell us about your educational background?
My name is Jonathan Omachile. I obtained an Ordinary National Diploma (OND) in 2013 from Kaura Namoda Polytechnic in Zamfara State.
With a diploma in Computer Science, what do you do for a living?
I am into photography and video coverage of events. I decided to go into the business because I desire to be self-employed and be able to encourage others to be self-reliant too. I learnt photography and video coverage in 2010 before I gained admission into tertiary institution. Initially I was into computer maintenance but because I don’t have the capital to start up a business in that line, I decided to switch over to photography and video coverage. I had some money then, so I bought my first camera worth N30, 000 which was a fairly used camera. I delved into the business so that I can earn a living from it and at the same time, have some money to further my education. Presently, I am undergoing training on non-linear editing so that after I shoot a video, I will edit and package it myself. I derive a lot of pleasure in what I am doing.

How was the business when you started?
The starting was rough and not easy because if you are not used to crowd, you may get confused when you stay in front of people to shoot a video or take snap shots. Also when you go to cover an event and you see people with sophisticated cameras, you may feel inferior and feel like stopping the work. But with courage and determination, I was able to scale through that stage and now I have upgraded myself to a level higher than it used to be.
How do you get contacts to sustain your business?
I get a lot of contacts through my boss whom I learnt the work from. I got to know some people when I was still working under my boss before I decided to start my own. I give my phone number and business card out to as many people as I meet. I also have my phone number on every picture I snap. Another very good way of getting contact is when you do your work well, your work will advertise itself. Currently, I have numerous clients more than I can serve.
What kind of events do you cover and how much do you  make from such outings?
I cover birthdays, naming ceremony, wedding and burial among others. I do video coverage at events, snap pictures and also make almanac. I also go to hotels and halls where events normally hold to snap pictures. I used to go to Wuse Zone II in Abuja to cover ‘Call to Bar,’ I go to Calabar for the annual carnival.
On whether I make much money, it depends on the nature of the event and the calibre of people in attendance. Sometimes, if I go out, I get profit of about N30, 000 or more.
What is your assessment of the business, is it lucrative?
It is lucrative and to me, it seems to be one of the funniest kind of work I have ever done because I do it with so much passion and creativity and I am always happy doing my work.

Why did you abandon computer science certificate for photography and video coverage?
As I said earlier, the capital for starting up a business of my own in the computer sector is high. Now, I need about N500, 000 to start and I do not have anyone to help me with such amount. I decided to go into something else, since with N30, 000 only I could go into photography and it is even possible to run a mobile photography business. I have a shop now where I work and on a monthly basis, I record over N60, 000 as profit.
Is your business seasonal?
Yes it is, it booms more between September and December when we have a lot of weddings, naming ceremonies, birthdays, burials and birthdays among others.
Your dream for the business
I want to further upgrade myself to an enviable standard. I desire to have my own personal structure where I can decorate and apply all the aesthetic values. I desire to make the place very attractive and comfortable.
My dream for this business is to go global, I want the world to know and hear about me as far as photography and video coverage are concerned. I want to be the world’s best photographer and that is why I am not too carried away by the money. I so much desire to help others and become employer of labour.
How many people do you have in your employ?
I have three boys presently working under me and my desire is to see them become great in life.

Now that you have a work at hand, do you intend to further your education?
Going back to school is my secondary assignment for now. My primary assignment now is to upgrade my business to a good standard so that when I go back to school, I can study mass communication, since it is related to what I am doing now.
 How much has the business helped you?
It has liberated me from being dependent and made me a solution provider for others. The business is the reason why I am thinking of having my own structure, so I have really been blessed by this business.
What does a starter needs to start your kind of business?
A starter needs motion and still cameras, printer, studio light, laminating machine and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) gadget to back up power among others. A starter must first learn the job under a master. If such persons know that they cannot raise money to set up after the period of learning, they can go into an agreement with the master that after one or two years of learning, they will serve the master for a period of time and at the expiration of that period, the master is expected to provide cameras and other equipment that can help them start on their own. I always encourage starters because I started small and that is why it is not good to despise the days of little beginning. Even though I have not attained the level I desire, at least, I can feed myself and help people around me. Persistence is the key word in this business.

What is your advice to unemployed youths who are hell-bent on white collar job?
Youths need to discover the potentials embedded in them, they must see themselves as supermen and employers of labour instead of being job seekers. I encourage them to begin to see what they can do to become self-reliant rather than depending on government.