I am witnessing the reign of the fifth Emir of Kano – Kurawa

The appointment of a new Emir, Mohammad Sanusi II, following the death of Bayero has made the people of Kano and North to be eagerly awaiting the coronation ceremony of the new emir.  Mallam Ado Kurawa is the District Head of Tarauni in Kano state. Born on September 15, 1930, the traditional ruler recalled  in […]

I am witnessing the reign of the fifth Emir of Kano – Kurawa
I am witnessing the reign of the fifth Emir of Kano – Kurawa

The appointment of a new Emir, Mohammad Sanusi II, following the death of Bayero has made the people of Kano and North to be eagerly awaiting the coronation ceremony of the new emir.  Mallam Ado Kurawa is the District Head of Tarauni in Kano state. Born on September 15, 1930, the traditional ruler recalled  in this interview how the coronations of three emirs in his presence.  Kurawa also spoke on a wide range of issues revolving around the Kano Emirate Council and his personality.

Unlike ever before, the Kano Emirate Council this year recorded the death of his strongmen, including the emir, Ado Bayero and Galadiman Kano, Alhaji Tijjani Hashim. How has this changed the emirate?
Yes, it has changed the council in terms of personalities, but the traditional institution remains the way it has been.  We, the people of the emirate, and the state as a whole can never forget 2014 because it was a year that frightening things happened to us. First, it was the passage of our beloved emir, Alhaji Ado Bayero. While we are yet to recover from the emir’s death, Galadima also passed away.  We will never forget this year. The two men of God have in their own ways contributed immensely to the development of the institution and the state.
I can still remember vividly how the late Galadima, decades ago, used his position as the parliamentary secretary in the northern region to assist many people.  Galadima helped the masses to a fault; he lived for the people.

How many Emirs have reigned in your lifetime in Kano?
I have witnessed five Emirs, including the present Emir, who was appointed months ago.  I spent 24 years with Emir Abdullahi Bayero, the father of late Ado Bayero. He was appointed in 1926 and I was born in 1930.
I was 24 years when he died. I was alive when Mohammed Sanusi, the grandfather of the present Emir, was appointed and I witnessed all the ceremonies organised when he ascended the throne. I also witnessed that of the Emir Mohammed Inuwa, Ado Bayero and Mohammed Sanusi II.  So these are the five Emirs that have reigned in my lifetime.

Can you remember how the  coronations of these Emirs look like?
Why not! The coronation is just the big ceremony that climaxed the ceremonies of the emergence of an emir, nothing more than that.  The coronations of the emirs were held at the Kofar Mata and all traditional rulers from all the provinces were invited and they rejoiced with the new emir. The event often witnessed the presentation of all the necessary royal materials to the emir.

How old were you when the present Emir’s grandfather was appointed?
I was 24 years old when he was appointed and I was 33 when Emir Mohammed Inuwa came on board.  And if Allah’s will I’ll witness the coronation of our new Emir at 84. During the coronation of Emir Mohamed Sanusi I and that of the Mohammed Inuwa, the late Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello, was in attendance.  There is nothing spectacular than all what has been done to our new Emir in terms of traditional rites, the coronation is just ceremonial. During the coronation, the emir would invite all his friends from across the world and the event would witness the biggest display of cultural heritage of our people.

How was Kano at that time?
It was bigger than your home town.

I mean does the event shake Kano?
The coronations, no, no. Kano is too big for that. The event was only noticed in the city and towns around it. But in the outskirts the town, there was nothing.

What is the historical background of the creation of a new special entrance at the palace whenever a new emir is appointed?
It is a traditional activity and all other emirate or traditional institutions in the country or world have theirs.
It was done for all the previous emirs and that was why when the new emir was going to the palace a new entrance was created for him.

When the name of the new Emir was announced as the successor of the late Ado Bayero, riot erupted around the palace. Was that a new thing?
Thank for this question.  It is not a new thing, it has happened previously. When Emir Mohammed Tukur, the son of Bello, was appointed a lot of people were killed in the crisis that erupted as a result of his emergence.  Among those that were killed was Mallam Shehu, son of Justice Zangi; he was then the Chief Judge of Kano State.
  So, to us, what happened during the emergence of Emir Mohammed Sanusi II was just a child play, compared to the previous ones.

You were born around the same time with the late Emir and Galadima, how come you are looking smart and young?
I was born on September 15, 1930.
It is Allah;s will that I’m smart and looking this way. I did not over use myself; I eat good food and not anything that I see.

What is the secret of your smartness?
No, I will not tell you so that you and others will not learn from me.  As you can see I can read and write at 84, glory be to Allah for giving me this rare privilege. Let me tell you I exercise myself very well at my farm.

What sort of food do you eat?
I eat all sorts of food, I mean all the food you eat and I eat them too.  But my favourite is ‘Fura da nono’. The doctor has not advised me against eating any food.  As you can see I’m not battling with any age related sickness. Sickness is meant for the rich people but because I’m not rich, I don’t have any. Allah made me healthy because I’m not rich.

How many children do you have?
I don’t have many children. I have only 26, 13 males and 13 females. All of them are university graduates, including my last born who will be going for NYSC this year. She will be 22 this year and she studied English Education at the Bayero University, Kano.

When were you appointed district head?
I was appointed in 2007.