‘I wanted to be a lawyer, but ended up in politics’

Childhood days My childhood days were very memorable because I was born into a very large family, my father was the Ohinonyi of Ebiraland until his death and we lived all through those days in the palace. Even when I had to go and live with my aunt in Bida at some point in time, […]

‘I wanted to be a lawyer, but ended up in politics’
‘I wanted to be a lawyer, but ended up in politics’

Childhood days
My childhood days were very memorable because I was born into a very large family, my father was the Ohinonyi of Ebiraland until his death and we lived all through those days in the palace. Even when I had to go and live with my aunt in Bida at some point in time, there was no difference because it was a very large family too where you find lots of children to play with, and we had everything to ourselves, though I was more or less on the quiet side, I didn’t miss the fun part of my childhood days because I will always live with those palace memories where myself and my siblings lived under one roof.
Aspirations as a child
As a child, I had this dream to someday become a lawyer because I used to see how my father resolved different disputes fairly when a case was brought to him to solve as a king. So I fell in love with that ambition because if I can’t become a king someday, I could someday be a lawyer, but after my secondary school education when I couldn’t get admission in due time into the university to pursue my dream career, I went for Business Administration and I still thank God because today, I am carrying my profession along with me as a business entrepreneur, but I still hope and believe that one of my children at least, will become a lawyer.
My political ambition
I decided to go for the position of the House of Representatives under my constituency because I want to serve my people with a sincere heart just like my father, I want life to be sweet for my people by making sure government provides them with the basics they need in the society. But our politics is full of autocracy and corruption, the primary election was held in other parts of Kogi State, but there was no election in Okene constituency. The truth is that at this time and age, we should play clean politics whereby if you want to contest with a sincere heart, the person should come out and ask for the people’s mandate not anointing a particular candidate.
Greatest achievement
Alhamdullillah for my life because today, my joy in life is that I am an independent woman and I am somebody that is straight forward in anything I do.
Part of me I took after my parents
I will say I took my quiet nature after both my mum and dad because for my dad, he was a very reserved person, and a straight forward person who ruled his kingdom with oneness during his lifetime. He was also very honest and that is the footstep I am following in everything I do.
What I miss most about him
In fact, I miss him a lot, he was thoroughly a father that loved all his children amicably, I miss taking breakfast and even dinner with him. As many as we were at that time, he loved to eat his meals with his children and that is the point when he took a close look at all of us so he could know what was wrong somewhere with anybody and try to correct you.In that way, he kept all of his children together in love, peace and harmony. Also, despite his busy schedule as he always attended to people, he created time to even teach us and guide us to do our homework. He was a wonderful dad, to me he was the best daddy in the world and may Allah continue to bless him and rest his soul.
My dream husband
I want to settle down as a wife to someone who is gentle, has the fear of Allah in him and is straight forward; a man that I can always look up to in any situation I find myself. I want to marry someone I can proudly call my friend, brother or father, which I feel is the most important aspect of marriage.
Combining home-front and business
I believe everything should be given its own time, not allowing either sides to overlap because marriage is an important aspect of a woman’s life, so one should not allow career or any kind of business to suppress it.
Role models
I have always seen my father as my role model even after his demise; the legacies he left behind are still alive. Because of the quality of leadership he possessed, he was a very honest, straight forward and loving person and may Allah continue to bless him. He took the issue of Okene as a whole personally; I recall a certain incident that happened that made me feel so bad. We were about to eat dinner when my dad got a message that crisis had broken out in some part of the town. I remember he was just about to eat but he had to rush out to the middle of the crisis to resolve issues. Then I said to myself, is this the kind of task ahead of a leader? I saw the effort and strength in him and these are the qualities I admired in him.
Definition of fashion
By nature, I am a very simple person, so I love putting on whatever will make me appear nice and simple but I also love good quality in terms of choosing fabrics.
Favourite holiday spot
I love Europe because the life there is simple and quiet, whenever I feel like taking a break from everything, I prefer to travel there.
I want to be known with the qualities of honesty, as a straight forward person and someone who will make an impact in people’s life positively.