I will take the COVID-19 vaccine

Thank you to all those who responded to my request for comments on the CONSPIRACY THEORISTS’ dangerous, ill-informed and politically motivated campaigns against the recently developed COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection. The negative campaign is directed most intensely at the genetically modified mRNA vaccine developed by Pfizer and BionTech, on the spurious grounds that it […]

I will take the COVID-19 vaccine
I will take the COVID-19 vaccine

Thank you to all those who responded to my request for comments on the CONSPIRACY THEORISTS’ dangerous, ill-informed and politically motivated campaigns against the recently developed COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The negative campaign is directed most intensely at the genetically modified mRNA vaccine developed by Pfizer and BionTech, on the spurious grounds that it may cause (as yet undefined) genetic interference with the normal molecular development of humans who receive it. This is a sinister insinuation against science, translational medicine and humanity. It is the product of ignorance amongst little educated persons whose conspiracy theories are designed to misinform gullible individuals against science and more specifically against BIG PHARMA. Sure, the pharmaceutical industry is often unethical (I should know), but Big Pharma is responsible for developing the most important drugs and vaccines that have controlled or eradicated diseases and increased longevity by some 30-40 years over the last century – consider malaria, smallpox; and more recently vaccines against Hb&c viruses, HPV, monoclonal antibody treatment of cancer, vaccines for pneumococci, meningococci, Hib; advances in drug treatment of diabetes, hypertension, etc – and you will agree the positives far and away exceed any negatives against the industry.

Remember that the mRNA targets one epitope of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and although the antibodies it produces against COVID-19 are likely polyclonal in nature, this in no way means that the genetic modification of the viral DNA induced by mRNA would similarly occur in human DNA of recipients of the vaccine. That’s it, as far as the science goes, until some new revolutionary knowledge emerges!

One comment suggests that there is no value in discussing the conspiracy theories regarding the vaccine because those promoting them are ill-informed. I disagree. There is always value in addressing any purported scientific point of view, regardless of its veracity or the status of those advancing it.

I CANNOT WAIT TO GET THE COVID-19 VACCINE, approved by competent authorities.

Prof Idris Mohammed is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science.