Ideas to practice self-care at home

Do something that energizes your body. Stretch, swim, run, do yoga, or whatever physical activity you enjoy. Exercise is a key part of self-care.

Ideas to practice self-care at home

For anyone seeking to live a healthy, sustainable life, one vital habit is self-care.

When we are living lives filled with activity, noise, and hurry, it is incredibly difficult to feel healthy and rested. When that is our overall experience with life, the result is that we become stressed and burned out.

In order to nurture the health of our mind, body, and soul, we need ways to re-enter and restore. We need these in short spurts throughout the day, and also longer stretches.

The thing about self-care is that it is a practice that requires you choosing to do it. It will not happen unless you intentionally make space for it. But the result is worth the effort. With a bit of self-care, you can experience more joy, rest, and soul-health.

Here are ten ideas for self-care:

Simplify your schedule. Are you over-committed? Are there things that you need to let go of? Ask yourself which activities and relationships are truly adding value to your life, and intentionally make space for those things.

Do something that energizes your body. Stretch, swim, run, do yoga, or whatever physical activity you enjoy. Exercise is a key part of self-care.

Take a long, warm bath. While you’re at it, light a candle, read a magazine, listen to soothing music.

Create a Gratitude List. Write down all the things that you are thankful for.

Meet with a counsellor. This could be a psychologist, therapist, or spiritual mentor.

Unplug for a day. Go on the media and technology fast, and turn off any unnecessary electronic devices.

Stretch. Find the kinks and tension spots in your body, and stretch them out.

Do something new. Have you been considering learning a new skill or trying a new hobby? Go for it.

Practice mini-meditation. Begin or end your day with a minute of deep breathing, and focused awareness of your body, thoughts, and feelings.

  1. Dance it out. Put on your favourite dance music, and shake your body.