Idris and Okiro: Perspectives on relationship between two top cops

For many years, Nigerians have believed that members of the nation’s police force were afflicted with an incurable virus of corruption, ineptitude and contempt for the rest of the society, especially the less-privileged masses. But as evident in several ways regarding their  attitude, modus operandi and rising records of achievements, one cannot but come to […]

Idris and Okiro: Perspectives on relationship between two top cops

For many years, Nigerians have believed that members of the nation’s police force were afflicted with an incurable virus of corruption, ineptitude and contempt for the rest of the society, especially the less-privileged masses. But as evident in several ways regarding their  attitude, modus operandi and rising records of achievements, one cannot but come to the conclusion that certain actions must have been happening which have had the happy and pleasant manifestations.  Coinciding with the period of the present management of the Nigeria Police Force under Mr. Ibrahim Kpotun Idris, many observers have explained the positive transformation on change in leadership style; the introduction of a regime of discipline that is firm in penalizing acts of misconduct while in the same breadth, rewarding gallantry and praise worthy actions.  

Police officers and men in the last couple of months have been witnessing a gale of promotions, deployments and postings which seek to put square pegs in square holes as against the dispiriting practice of enthroning mediocrity and nepotism over and above merit, talents and suitability.  All these have gone to boost morale, proficiency and professionalism in policing. It is almost unbelievable that suspects no longer suffer dehumanizing torture or asked to pay for police bails as the case used to be in the not-too-distant past.     

One cannot talk of the restoration of the lost glory of the police force without mentioning a few of the outstanding records attained since Mr. Idris took over the mantle of leadership.  For example, the notorious kingpin of kidnappers, Chukwudimeme Onwumadike, alias Evans, had plied his nefarious trade for decades and evading arrests all along, because, he deployed superior intelligence in addition to the benefits of complicity and cover provided him by some unscrupulous elements in the police force.  The table turned essentially, as a result of the emergence of a new attitude and application of high caliber intelligence gathering and detection of crime injected into the police. 

The concept of community policing which solicits collaborative actions and support of members of the public, has yielded huge dividends such as seen in the arrest of over seventy kidnappers and other antisocial elements along the hitherto nightmarish Abuja-Kaduna highway.  News reports from other parts of the country also tell of the triumphs continually recorded by the police in the fight against crime and criminals. It is against the backdrop of the unfolding stories about the Nigeria Police Force, that, one is saddened by the news of an uneasy relationship between the Police Service Commission (PSC), under the chairmanship of Chief Mike Okiro and the Inspector General of Police, Mr Idris. Before the crisis became public knowledge via the mass media, those intimate with inner workings of the police force had long sensed the cold relationship between the duo. The main bone of contention revolves around who has a greater say on matters of promotion and posting of senior police officers. This conflict would certainly have been averted if only each of the two elephants had remained and functioned within the confines of the roles statutorily assigned to them.  

Traditionally and statutorily, it is the Inspector General who initiates the process of elevation or disposition by selecting officers who, in his evaluation are deserving of promotion and forwarding his recommendations for ratification by the PSC.  The arrangement must have been made to guard against abuse, corruption and impunity while, taking cognizance of the position of the IGP as the one in direct charge of police personnel and thereby, the best qualified to do proper assessment of those best qualified for promotion, disposition or, disciplinary action.  

As a former IGP, and highly respected elder statesman in his own right Chief Mike Okiro is expected to always stand high above and beyond matters that are mundane. He could have averted negative commentaries. Two top cops like the current IGP and Mr. Okiro, like Nigerians as a whole, have a lot to gain by having a healthy, cordial relationship. 

Ahmad wrote in from Sokoto G.R.A, Sokoto. 


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