If you see Goodluck

The majority of writers seem to think Obasanjo is at the bottom of all these.  They say he knew Yar’adua will die in office. But I think at best, Nigerian demigods like Obj are only agents of very powerful foreign forces.  Which takes me to the second advice; Mr Jonathan, please make sure we go […]

If you see Goodluck
If you see Goodluck

The majority of writers seem to think Obasanjo is at the bottom of all these.  They say he knew Yar’adua will die in office. But I think at best, Nigerian demigods like Obj are only agents of very powerful foreign forces.  Which takes me to the second advice; Mr Jonathan, please make sure we go ‘China’ with our crude oil.  The Petroleum Industry Bill must be pushed and effected with all your will. Yar’adua, if he remains president will definitely go China. We have no other viable model to copy; we have been deceived for too long.  International Oil Companies have been at the centre of corruption and inefficiency in Nigeria for too long, but with the Chinese option around the corner, the game seem to be over.

If it gets to your turn Mr Jonathan, please make sure we get the Chinese to do more than tap our crude oil.  We must use our crude oil as a bargaining chip for sustainable development in other sectors like Agriculture and Transportation, and of course refining. The offer of $50billion by China for 6 billion barrels of our crude oil (which is ten times better than what we used to get from western oil companies), must be accepted.  We must pitch the China against the West. Nigeria has become a most strategic economic bargaining chip and a tipping point in the unfolding global geo-politics. As a leftist, it is obvious where Yar’adua would have voted, and if Nigeria goes China, the west is symbolically decimated.  But we must find the sophistication and magnanimity of heart to be graceful in victory.

This is the time for Nigeria to ensure it casts off the load of corruption that has been conferred by the western world around its neck like a lodestone. This is the time to begin to disprove the right-wing thinking that the Negro race is incapable of self-governance and development; the thinking that drives foreign policy and strategy in many western countries.  Black people all over the world, look up to Nigeria.

Sir Jonathan, please ensure the peace is maintained in your homestead, the Niger Delta.  Achieving the Amnesty and peace was not small work.  The gains must not be reversed, and the Nigerian government must transform that region, as Yar’adua had promised and set into motion. Powerful oil bunkerers are not happy at the tranquillity and order in that region.  They thrive on the chaos. The agreement with ASUU, where Yar’adua surprised the lecturers, should be maintained. Public education must be revived in the face of opposition from private university owners. Also, the civil service reforms, which is aimed at breathing new life into public administration, must be pursued to its logical conclusion.  The salaries of civil servants must be seriously reviewed upwards, to bridge income gap between public and private sector, as Yar’adua would have wanted.

I hope those who are discerning can now see, just how many powerful enemies Yar’adua made, who really want him out of the way, so that Nigeria can slip back into the brutal, feudal system, where the super rich trample on the dirt poor.  Nigeria will surely turn the corner, whether they want it or not. To me, working with sixth sense, intuition and gut feeling, Umaru Yar’adua will always be a hero.  And lastly, Umaru never insulted or treated Nigerians like wild animals, unlike Obj.  Goodluck, make sure you don’t!