Iman, Taqwah and Tawakkul: The means to victory

The weapons to use in solving the problem of weakness of the Muslim ummah are iman (faith in Allah), taqwah (fear of Allah) and tawakkul (sole reliance on Allah) , according to the foremost scholar of Qur’anic exegesis, Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen  as-Shinqeetee (1325H-1393H{1905-1973}).     He said in his celebrated book of tafsir, Adwaa-ul-Bayaan fee Tafseer-il-Qur’an […]

Iman, Taqwah and Tawakkul: The means to victory
Iman, Taqwah and Tawakkul: The means to victory

The weapons to use in solving the problem of weakness of the Muslim ummah are iman (faith in Allah), taqwah (fear of Allah) and tawakkul (sole reliance on Allah) , according to the foremost scholar of Qur’anic exegesis, Shaykh Muhammad al-Ameen  as-Shinqeetee (1325H-1393H{1905-1973}).  
  He said in his celebrated book of tafsir, Adwaa-ul-Bayaan fee Tafseer-il-Qur’an bil-Qur’an: “Allah clarified that the remedy for this (weakness) is linked to (our) truthfulness in turning to Him (The Most High), the strength of (our) Iman in Him and reliance on Him; because Allah is All-Strong and All-Mighty, the Overwhelming and Absolute Subduer of everything Who is Never overcome. So whoever is truly an ally of Allah, it is not possible to gain the upper hand over such a person.
“And from the clear proofs of this is that when the disbelievers laid siege against the Muslims during the battle of the Confederates (at the time of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh) about which Allah stated: ‘When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were harbouring doubts about Allah. There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking.’
The Shaykh (may Allah have mercy on him) continued: “Look at the severity of this military siege and its severe effects on the Muslims, alongside the fact that they were politically and economically cut off by the entire people of the earth at that time! So when you know this, then know that the remedy for this great affair, and by way of which this great difficulty was put to end is that which Allah has stated in Sorah Al-Ahzab, as follows: ‘And when the believers saw Al-Ahzab (the Confederates), they said: ‘This is what Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) had spoken the truth, and it only added to their faith and to their submissiveness (to Allah).’
“This perfect Iman in Allah; (this) Great Submission to Him; (this) dependence and reliance on Him was the reason for stopping this great difficulty. And indeed Allah clarified the fruits of this remedy in His statement: ‘And Allah drove back those who disbelieved in their rage; they gained no advantage (booty, etc.). Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels). And Allah is Ever All-Strong, All-Mighty. And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers) Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made captives. And He caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and their riches, and a land which you had not trodden (before). And Allah is Able to do all things.’
And he further explained: “This is what Allah aided them with against their enemies. Neither did they have an idea nor did they know that they were aided with the angels and the wind. Allah (The Most High) said: ‘O you who believe! Remember Allah’s Favour to you, when there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a wind and forces that you saw not [i.e. troops of angels during the battle of Al-Ahzab (the Confederates)]. And Allah is Ever All-Seer of what you do.”
These are the most useful weapons we should use, not the deviant methodologies of the khawarij (Boko Haram, ISIS and Al-Qa-idah).