In Bauchi, lessons in political maturity

As mortals operating within the broad parameters set out by providence, things can never work as envisioned but we must persevere through abuse and even injury in bringing sanity to our systemic rot by helping and rallying around Governor M.A Abubakar of Bauchi State, to clean the Augean stable. It is an indisputable fact that […]

In Bauchi, lessons in political maturity
In Bauchi, lessons in political maturity

As mortals operating within the broad parameters set out by providence, things can never work as envisioned but we must persevere through abuse and even injury in bringing sanity to our systemic rot by helping and rallying around Governor M.A Abubakar of Bauchi State, to clean the Augean stable. It is an indisputable fact that an internal satisfaction of a good conscience is always a stimulant in greatness to bend a history for a common cause.

The recent wind of defection in Bauchi State had vindicated Governor Abubakar, proving that the whole world is nothing but a chronicle of events spearheaded by men of extraordinary commitment, regardless of any interest that will provide a greater happiness  for a greater number. The great writer Myles Monroe once said: “The greatest tragedy of life is not death, but to live without a reason and to die without a cause”. Governor Abubakar through his all inclusive policy of value had already imprinted his name as a man of honour, tolerance and audacity to navigate through the murky waters of politics.

At a time of intense political debacle after the party’s primary election, he remained firm and resolute absorbing pressure like the proverbial rock of Gibraltar. From his words, “I sleep sound with a clean heart because I always take solace in divine decrees of the Omnipotent and Omnipresent Allah.” He once told me that we should not worry too much about the future, and try to focus our wishes on the short term having faith that whatever is decreed for us will definitely reach us.

One among the many lessons I learnt from Makama Babba is his  ardent belief in destiny while appreciating every blessing Allah has provided.

Today, the real and true lovers of Bauchi State have sheathed their swords, and are about to assist in charting out a new road map for the continuous socio-economic development of our dear state, while the captain, our governor, continues to bring succour to the good people of the state.

The governor had already extended hands of invitation and friendship to all true lovers of Bauchi State regardless of party, religious, and tribal  inclination, to come and help him build the land of our dreams, and bring it to reality. History, as the final judge of our deeds, will vindicate the righteous and the faithful. We should face reality and our past mistakes in an honest way, abhor resilience to rise in the face of failure and forge ahead to the chagrin of those who detest it.

For the shortest avenue to live with honour in the world, is to be in reality what we should appear to be; all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practical experience in humility and hard work. For Governor Abubakar, Bauchi will continue to be his agenda and the centrepiece of his political struggle and work, because the harvest of his enviable projects provide a sprawling landscape, which could only be achieved by one with as much political maturity as he. In the end, apart from hard work, honesty, and the interest of his people at heart, one’s honour and integrity are two of the main things that will stand him apart from any kind of crowd.

I will stop on the note of a prayer, that Allah continues to bless us with leaders that have an overwhelming courage in the midst of adversities, leaders that cannot abscond from their duties.

Sade wrote in from Kaduna.