In memory of a caring dad

Even outside government, the doors of his law office as well as residence in Abuja were wide open to friends and members of his community. He cared dearly for the plight of the less privilege and often went out of his way to ensure the happiness of his fellow man.As one who had built bridges […]

In memory of a caring dad
In memory of a caring dad

Even outside government, the doors of his law office as well as residence in Abuja were wide open to friends and members of his community. He cared dearly for the plight of the less privilege and often went out of his way to ensure the happiness of his fellow man.
As one who had built bridges across the country, Daddy was very passionate about the betterment of his country, Nigeria, even as he insisted that charity begins at home. This explained his regular presence in Wuro Hausa Ward home in Yola despite his several commitments elsewhere. He dreamt of an Adamawa state where things would work, where the honour and dignity of man would be reinvented and above all where the ordinary people would enjoy the dividends of an organised society. He insisted that bad governments only come about in the absence of a virile legislature to galvanise them into action and that a representative has a sacros and responsibility to lobby development for his community.
This humble and unassuming lawyer was happily married to Saadatu Nasir Mai and the Almighty Allah in His infinite benevolence blessed the union with four children. Fatima, Najib, Khadijah and Aisha. A distinguished member of the Nigerian Bar Association, Daddy was an ardent lover of family and livestock. 
We appreciate the prayers you whispered during bad moments in our lives and the hopes and success in all we did and dreamt of doing. For all the support, love, care, trust, kindness, warm-heartedness and open-heartedness. Thanks for always having open arms which we could come into at any time, for your lap which I always lay on to relieve pain from my heart by shedding tears and for the times you gave up to be with us to ensure our happiness and put smiles on our faces. You always did whatever it took to make us happy all the time and you succeeded excellently. You wiped tears away from my face and teared whenever I did.  Oh! How sweet of you!
Your smile I always try to emulate but I am not able to because there is only one of that kind, which is yours. Your eyes were always full of life and joy; your face always portrayed excitement. I loved seeing you and seeing you was the happiest moment of the day. I would hurry up when you came back from work just to untie your shoe laces, Ya Allah! How much I miss those days! How lovely your face looked and how bright your eyes were.
We wish you were here to see us through difficult times, your arms still wide open for us, your shoulders for us to cry on and your heart-warming smiles and hugs. There are times when we wish we could see you even if it was a dream, to see your face and feel the love in the air, the love you carried around and had with you wherever you went. We sometimes lay awake at night, the pain in our hearts, we just can’t fight. The thought of you not being around is overpowering and overwhelming. We understand that whatever happens happens for a reason as you always taught us and Allah alone knows best and everything happens according to His will! Alhamdulillah!
We have learnt to find happiness in what surrounds us and the people who surround us. The people who love us, and above all ourselves.
You always said: “Life is a journey and try to live it in a simple manner, according to Islam, be kind, caring, loving, and soft-hearted, ready to share, and give a lending hand whenever need be my sweet little daughter”.
We miss your everlasting smile, love, hugs, discipline and most of all we miss our Daddy, a darling and loving husband, a befitting son, sibling, in-law, and a role model. With your help we have become who we are.
You are without doubt, the best thing that has happened to us, you believed in us like no one has and we are very thankful to that. You are the very best Jazakallahu Khairan!
I have also learnt from you that life isn’t all about me, my feelings, likes and dislikes, what pleases or displeases me, it’s about others as well and that life doesn’t revolve around me. We have learnt to be philanthropic in nature, just like you and try to put as many smiles as we can on as many faces as possible, to share, help in whatever way we can and to say the most pleasant things to and about others.
We have grown to love you more and more as the day goes by, we now appreciate you more than ever. The greatest gift of life was having you in our lives and above all having you as our FATHER.
My prayer is to be exactly like you, achieve what you have achieved and even more insha Allah and to have the zeal to help the entire Muslim Ummah. To be the best lawyer of my generation and work to see that individuals enjoy the dividend of an organised society. To be the best daughter, sibling, wife, mother, friend, cousin, student, mentor, role model and pray for you endlessly insha Allah.
You are without doubt, the best father anyone could ever have. Your love still lives, you have left a legacy. We love you very much and may the EXALTED ONE have infinite mercy on your soul and may HE forgive your sins, Ameen ya RABB.
With love,
Your sweet little daughter,
Fatima Nasir Mai, 200 Level Law Student, University of Abuja.