In pictures: Golden Eaglets return home amidst fanfare

Golden Eaglet Captain Kelechi Nwakali with Under-17 FIFA World cup team members in mist of crowd on arrival at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International airport Abuja, Wednesday 11, 2015. Photo Macjohn Akande  Thousands of sports fans welcome victorious Golden Eaglets to Abuja

In pictures: Golden Eaglets return home amidst fanfare
In pictures: Golden Eaglets return home amidst fanfare

Golden Eaglet Captain Kelechi Nwakali with Under-17 FIFA World cup team members in mist of crowd on arrival at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International airport Abuja, Wednesday 11, 2015. Photo Macjohn Akande 

Thousands of sports fans welcome victorious Golden Eaglets to Abuja