In pictures: Traffic in Jos as 9,000 jostle for police job screening

 Joseph Gomwolk Way, a major road linking strategic locations within the Jos, capital of Plateau State where over 9,000 applicants are jostling for job in the Police Force, was chocked Monday, due to the number of candidates for the second phase of police recruitment excercise in Plateau state. Read Story here Applicants at the ongoing […]

In pictures: Traffic in Jos as 9,000 jostle for police job screening
In pictures: Traffic in Jos as 9,000 jostle for police job screening

 Joseph Gomwolk Way, a major road linking strategic locations within the Jos, capital of Plateau State where over 9,000 applicants are jostling for job in the Police Force, was chocked Monday, due to the number of candidates for the second phase of police recruitment excercise in Plateau state. Read Story here

Applicants at the ongoing Police recruitment exercise, Monday, in Jos.