In reaction to a royal smear campaign on Galadima

The late Alhaji Musa Galadima reigned as the chief imam of Ebiraland for over fifty-nine years. He died in the early hours of Friday April 19th 2019 at the age of 98 and was buried in Okene, our hometown. Immediately his death was announced, condolence messages laced with encomiums started pouring in from far and […]

In reaction to a royal smear campaign on Galadima
In reaction to a royal smear campaign on Galadima

The late Alhaji Musa Galadima reigned as the chief imam of Ebiraland for over fifty-nine years. He died in the early hours of Friday April 19th 2019 at the age of 98 and was buried in Okene, our hometown. Immediately his death was announced, condolence messages laced with encomiums started pouring in from far and near. People who knew him and those who only heard about him sent in messages to console our family, the Ebira nation and the entire Muslims of Nigeria. He was a great preacher, a gentleman and a man of peace – and the world did not fail to recognize that.

It was therefore disheartening that some will attempt to smear his image, even in death, despite the fact that he worked hard to promote peace and stability in Egbiraland. More disturbing was the fact that same people were the biggest beneficiaries of his pursuit of peace. It is in view of the aforementioned that I write on behalf of the family of the late imam to state the views of the family on this matter.

In an interview published recently by one of the national dailies, a traditional ruler in Kogi State made an attempt to ridicule the memory of our late father by portraying him in negative light. Here was a traditional ruler whose people rejected his appointment many decades ago. Youths in the various communities threatened to unleash violence in protest against his appointment as the ruler of their land. Our father went round the communities under his domain to plead for peace, on his knees, asking the youth to accept the appointment as the will of Allah.

We were therefore highly disappointed when we read the malicious words that were spoken by the traditional ruler against our father. We therefore thought it wise to write this piece to set the record straight, without smearing the image of anyone.

That our father was sick before death is no secret. No human is invincible that he or she may not fall ill. No human in the world today is likely to hit the age of 98 and not suffer some ailments or the other. But for a traditional ruler of high repute to grant an interview to undermine the image of the gentle, loving, father of ours within days after his death, speaks volume of the intent behind such media appearance.

If not for the purpose of malice, why will a traditional ruler deviate from the simple question and begin to attack the integrity of the late chief imam? A simple question was asked: “What are you doing to resolve the issue of succession of the chief Imam of Ebiraland which is said to be generating tension in the community since the death of the last chief Imam last week”?

Every discerning mind will agree that the answer this so-called traditional ruler gave in that interview had no relationship with the question he was asked. He simply saw that as an opportunity to attack the innocent imam against whom he had kept grudges for many years.

To be clear, our father comes from a noble family in Okene. His father, mother, grandparents and great grandparents are well-known. There has never been debate about his true paternity. This, unfortunately, cannot be said about some of the people who try to smear our father today.

We will not hold grudges against those that smear the image of our father of blessed memory. We will also not respond with a smear campaign, rather we shall continue to pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved father. The demise of our father is not the first of death, neither can it be the last.

May Allah SWT forgive his shortcomings and raise him with the pious ones. We are happy for what he is known for. He was peaceful, kind, generous simple and humble. His legacies give us hope and continue to inspire us to emulate him.

It is also important to clarify another key issue here. On the following Friday after our father’s demise one or our brothers was asked to say a few words to the congregation. In his brief remarks, Sheikh Absulhameed Imam urged the congregation to embrace peace. He called for unity among the ummah for that is what our family is known for. Unfortunately some other mischief makers misrepresented it to mean he was supporting the aspiration of another candidate for the position of imam.

We urge the Muslim ummah of Ebiraland to emulate the life of late Imam Musa Abdullahi. We call on all well-meaning Nigerians to imbibe the values that he taught – honesty, piety, patience, generosity and love. We call on leaders – political, religious and traditional – eschew enmity and malice. We call on Ebira people to be their brothers’ keepers. We call on the people to embrace peace. In this holy month of Ramadan, we call on the people to please keep our father in their prayers. May Allah forgive his sins and grant him Jannah. May Allah also forgive and guide his traducers in the right path.

Abdullahi, a son of the late imam, writes on behalf of the family from Okene, Kogi State.