Insecurity is coming to an end

However, in the struggle against the insurgency and other criminal groups, the government…

Insecurity is coming to an end
Insecurity is coming to an end

Nigeria has been in peril for many years, despite government efforts to address the serious threat of all the crises plaguing the country, but the situation is getting worse day by day. The lives of thousands of citizens are being snatched away from them, so too are their belongings.

This tragic development of insecurity has thrown Nigerians into pandemonium to the point where many believe the situation is being manufactured politically by individuals who are more concerned with their political aims than the country’s peace and unity.

However, in the struggle against the insurgency and other criminal groups, the government and our security services, as well as vigilantes and local hunters, are putting their boundless power to the test. Nevertheless, they need to change their strategy at this point. Because of these terrorists’ inability to communicate with their paymasters, who supply them with weapons and techniques, they are now seeking reconciliation as a result of the recent order of telecom disconnection in Zamfara State.

More so, food supplies are being blocked, and fuel is not being sold to them. As a result, many of them opted to surrender their motorcycles and release their captives.

Following these commands, the battle witnessed impressive results. Nigerian military is valiantly confronting these remorseless monsters who are unnecessarily endangering the stability of all Nigerians.

All patriotic citizens should commend and encourage the Nigerian military for this, to motivate them to redouble their good efforts and strengthen their spirits. In spite, the government should make sure that their allowances are fully implemented and furnished with innovative and powerful fighting techniques that will allow them to eliminate all of these bad apples as they approach the wall.

In addition, the government should use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for intelligence gathering. This digital battling style would aid in the tracking of everyone’s movements throughout the impacted zone of this threat of chaos.

These digital combat strategies in each state of the country should be established with respect to the above assertion. By so doing, those who intend to introduce Sturm Und Drang would therefore be afraid and be aware that these digital devices are monitoring their propensity.

The killing of Toro General Hospital

It is the responsibility of every citizen to protect state property. Humongous amounts of fund are spent by the governments to build public structures so as to improve the standard of living of the citizens.

On this basis, it’s pertinent for the government and the public to know the current terrible situation of General Hospital Toro, the only hospital serving the needs of nearly 1.2 million people within and outside the Toro local government.

Sadly, the general hospital  is getting moribund as a result of the activities of some unscrupulous elements among the hospital management who are technically killing the hospital through the back door.

Presently, there is nothing in General Hospital Toro that can be regarded as sophisticated medical equipment.

This renders the hospital inactive from all angles. If action is not taken to stop this,  the hospital will collapse.

More so, the behaviour of some unscrupulous elements led to General Hospital Toro having no single cardiac monitor, suctioning machine, pulse oximeter, offices air conditioners as well as oxygen apparatus.

Similarly, autoclaving machine, laundry machines, gas cylinders, patient’s beds, reservoir tanks, roofing zincs, fence wire and mattress have been stolen in the hospital.

Furthermore, the General Hospital Toro situation is getting out of hand as there is no single space for keeping corpses, at least for a day; the refrigerator has been stolen.

In conclusion, I would like to, therefore, call on the attention of Bauchi State government, traditional rulers and the various stakeholders in the local government to do the needful by embarking on a thorough investigation to ascertain the truth of the matter and bring those involved to book as the situation is getting out of hand..

A stitch in time saves nine.


Ukasha Rabi’u Magama lives in Toro, Bauchi State