Insecurity: Time to match words with actions

As a close observer of unfolding events with respect to the security condition of this country, I regrettably say that those entrusted with leadership responsibility have failed in their cardinal pledge to guarantee the sanctity of lives. In saner climes, innocent lives must stay against all odds sacred. But unfortunately, here in Nigeria, the reverse […]

Insecurity: Time to match words with actions

As a close observer of unfolding events with respect to the security condition of this country, I regrettably say that those entrusted with leadership responsibility have failed in their cardinal pledge to guarantee the sanctity of lives. In saner climes, innocent lives must stay against all odds sacred. But unfortunately, here in Nigeria, the reverse is the case. In addition to the wretched living conditions of the poor, the average person is in desperate need of a peaceful place to live. Sadly, we have been forcefully turned to witnesses of attacks, horrible scenes of mutilated dead bodies and mass-burials. And instead of proffering lasting solutions to this problem, some people chose to make capital out of the situation. To keep up and reposition their political relevance, they chose an indecorous, inconsiderate path of blame-game. While I reaffirm my unassailable belief in Buhari’s administration’s ability to stop the killings, I must at this juncture urge him to deal with this problem proactively.  It is time to take preventive measures to tame this bloodshed. Also, it’s important to point out that exposing the true identity of perpetrators of this act, no matter how influential they are, as well subjecting them to the full weight of the law is of paramount importance. Doing this would deter others.  If we want a final resolution to this crisis, government must move beyond shadow chasing, and look into allegations of covering-up masterminds of these killings in the strife-torn areas. Furthermore, the reoccurrence of the bloodbath must serve as a clear signal for government to change approach.  It is time for President Muhammadu Buhari, governors, law enforcement agents and other stakeholders to take proactive stance on this issue.

Abbas Datti wrote from Kano and can be reached at:[email protected]