‘Insurgency: NBA should do more for lawyers in insurgency areas’

Is Gombe State a lawyer friendly state?Yes, we have fine judges and lawyers who are very active. It is a peaceful area, and we have hard working lawyers and judges.What is your assessment of the practice of law in Gombe State before the insurgency and now?With the insurgency activities and security challenges, there is a […]

‘Insurgency: NBA should do more for lawyers in insurgency areas’
‘Insurgency: NBA should do more for lawyers in insurgency areas’

Is Gombe State a lawyer friendly state?
Yes, we have fine judges and lawyers who are very active. It is a peaceful area, and we have hard working lawyers and judges.
What is your assessment of the practice of law in Gombe State before the insurgency and now?
With the insurgency activities and security challenges, there is a great difference in practice, for example the Court of Appeal in Gombe is now sitting in Abuja. Majority of counsels in Gombe State are also trying to relocate to safer places. There are serious changes in Gombe as a result of the insurgency. Overall there have been changes in terms of practice.
Are you also thinking of relocating because of insecurity?
No, running away from the problem is not the best way to resolve the problem.
You were recently sighted in Abuja, have you also relocated to Abuja?
There was a lot of problem after the 2011 general elections. A lot of people were displaced, killed and properties worth billions of naira were destroyed. The president set up a committee and promised to alleviate the pains of the victims in Gombe State and other affected states. At the end of the day Gombe State was excluded from the federal assistance, hence we went to see Edwin Clark to intimate him of our plight.
Should they fail to meet your demands what would you do?
We intend to press further because we feel it is selective justice. We are aware that Kaduna State had to go on peaceful demonstration before they were compensated.
Are you alleging discrimination and why?
If other states are compensated, the question is why is Gombe State not compensated? What is the yardstick? What even baffles us is that the PDP chairman in Gombe State had 11 members of his family killed. Since they have were killed nothing has been done. So we will cross our fingers and see.
Last week there was a judgment at the Court of Appeal saying Jonathan is eligible to contest?
For whatever reason a Court of Appeal has decided on that matter, if a court has made pronouncement there is little one can do; if one has the right to appeal against the judgment one can do that. As far as the issue is concerned, the status quo must be maintained.
Do you have any appeal to make to the government?
Media should come into the matter and bring the facts to the attention of the government and the government would have no other option than to listen. Media should speak for the people.
Some people have attempted to compare the leadership style of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo with President Goodluck Jonathan, is there a basis for comparison?
In respect of leadership between Obasanjo and Jonathan, there is no basis for comparison. Obasanjo has been in the military before he became Head of State and handed over to a civilian and later became a civilian president. With that background, you don’t expect the two to operate on the same level. President Jonathan has been deputy governor, governor, vice president and president. So the disposition of the two of them is different; with their age and background hence no one should expect the two of them to operate on the same frequency. They must differ based on their perceptions to life. You cannot compare them as there is no basis at all, except focus and continuity in government.
What has the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) done for lawyers in the face of insecurity in Gombe State?
It is an issue, NBA should have stepped in and do more than they are doing now, it is complicated. NBA has not done what we expect from them. Nothing much has been done. Last Friday we had an NBA meeting but we ought to have done that even before now. There is nothing the judges can do, even if the judge was there when the crime was being committed.
What is your opinion on the abolition of the death penalty?
Those that commit offence that carry death penalty I have no problem about that and they should pay the price, although there is a global movement for the abolition of the death penalty.