International Police Appoints Blessing Akinlosotu as Africa Commander

International Police Chaplain Sustainable Development and Law Enforcement, INC, (IPCSL) has appointed Colonel Blessing Akinlosotu to supretend over the entire 55 African countries following his promotion as the African Commander. The letter of appointment disclosed that it is in accordance with articles 4 of the IPCSL statutes favoring the extension of the organization to the […]

International Police Appoints Blessing Akinlosotu as Africa Commander


International Police Chaplain Sustainable Development and Law Enforcement, INC, (IPCSL) has appointed Colonel Blessing Akinlosotu to supretend over the entire 55 African countries following his promotion as the African Commander.

The letter of appointment disclosed that it is in accordance with articles 4 of the IPCSL statutes favoring the extension of the organization to the International level and Article 9, paragraph (a) of the internal regulations of the IPCSL listing the “Regional Coordination among the other Administrative Divisions of resolution No. SP-RESO 003ARC-/EN/HCA-270624 taken by the High Council of Administration (HCA) of IPCSL dated June 27, 2024, we have the honor to notify you of your appointment as official representative of our organization in the Regional Coordination of Africa under the function of Regional Coordinator of Africa for three (3) years with the rank of Chaplain Colonel/ Commander Africa for IPCSL.

“Your overall role is to lead and manage the African branch under the authority of the High Council in compliance with our Statutes and internal Regulations and in harmonization with the international conventions to which we have adhered. Your specific tasks will be listed in your Diplomatic Accreditation Certificate that will be awarded to you at the investiture ceremony in November 2024 and will be the subject of an official mission order.

“We take this opportunity to congratulate you on this appointment, and we wish you every success in your role and your missions,” the letter said.

The letter was signed by Amb. Dr. Tardieu Ridore, President, Chap. General in Chief, High Council of Admin. Florida, USA; Amb. Dr. Wilkenson Cesar, Vice President/Chap General High Council of Admin. Florida, USA; and Amb. Dr. Wesly Milard, Public Relations/Chap Lt. General * High Council of Admin., IPCSL, Florida, USA.

Akinlosotu, is known for his strong values, integrity, and commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

As a leader, Akinlosotu has represented his country with grace and dignity, promoting peaceful relations negotiations. He has proven himself to be an effective communicator and negotiator, skillfully navigating complex issues and finding common ground among different parties.

In addition to his leadership skills, Akinlosotu has also demonstrated exceptional leadership in various other fields. Whether in the corporate world, nonprofit organizations, or community initiatives, he consistently exhibits a strong work ethic, innovative thinking, and the ability to motivate and inspire those around him.