Inventing your own life

It is possible that some of the traits from childhood and parental or family influences would reflect in your life as an adult even at that, you should ask yourself if you want to be a reflection of other people or yourself and the right values and traits that you should possess. This is not […]

Inventing your own life
Inventing your own life

It is possible that some of the traits from childhood and parental or family influences would reflect in your life as an adult even at that, you should ask yourself if you want to be a reflection of other people or yourself and the right values and traits that you should possess. This is not to say that where at some point or the other certain levels of decency and right standards have been acquired, these should be thrown away in a bid to create your own life.

There are no assurances that life will give you what you have given it or that things will turn out as you have designed them to, but what is important is that you are yourself at any point in time. And no one or force can swing you from side to side and toss you about as if you are a person without a focus or mind of his/her own. You have a better chance at life if you know how to design and recreate your own life.

The ability to create from the scratch should be a powerful feeling. A house comes to reality from a sheet of drawings just as a book takes shape from the imagination of the writer. It is possible for you to develop and shape your life using these phenomena even though we can’t design every aspect of our lives because we have certain fixed and the variable aspects.

For instance, we cannot change the machinery of our upbringing: the parents, siblings, education, childhood experiences, and all that went on before adult life begins. All that happened in the past has shaped who you are today, so you will need to start designing your life from this point forward.

You may have the best laid out plans and still have things going topsy-turvy and encountering unforeseen obstacles.  Since you cannot control your past but can control your present for the sake of the future, there are certain steps which could help you build and organise your life as you want it.

Just like in a business, before you start off you usually have business plan as a book has a table of contents. These are step-by-step guide which leads you daily. Your plans can be worked on and modified when the need arises and can help you to tackle unexpected occurrences.

Outline your targets, map out your action plan and how you will meet each one. Beginning with your personal life or your career, strategise on how you will progress from the stage you are to your desired level. Then you can design other aspects of your life to fit into this plan as it suits you.

Life expert David Bohl advises that once, your plan is in place, there are other elements to consider.

“After you’ve created your blueprint, (your plan) and before you take action, you need to get into the right mindset. The power of your thoughts, your positive mindset, your committed focus on your goals and your plan will improve your chances of success in each area you take action in. You must believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. You must become aware of your thoughts and maintain the ones that will support your getting what you want. You must eliminate distractions and focus on the end result. The next things to consider are your actions to execute your plans with the right mindset.

’’With your plan in place and your mind set on success, you’re ready to take the actions necessary to build your life as you desire it. If you want to change careers, your first action may be to set up interviews with people in that career who you can get guidance from. The next action may be to sign up for classes that will increase your skill level necessary for the career move. And so on. Just keep following the action steps you outlined in your blueprint. It is not enough for you to take action on your plans. These plans must be maintained, repaired and supported.’’

Actions need to be monitored regularly to check on your progress. Did the information interviews provide you with all you needed to know or do you need to schedule some more? Do you have enough time to study for the classes you’re taking, or is it a challenge while holding a full time job? Have you taken an internship or entry level position in your new field and now it’s time to ask for a promotion? Keep monitoring your progress toward your goals so you can stay motivated. Celebrate the small successes on your way toward your bigger goals. Each success is one step closer to your ultimate life design.

Make corrections, adjust for change, re-examine your actions and your goals. As you hit obstacles, find a way around them. Make sure they’re not showing up often to tell you you’re on the wrong course. If that is the case, re-assess your goal to make sure it’s what you really want. Then establish some new actions that will get you back on the path even if it’s a different route.

All builders have a team. The architect designs the house, then the contractor steps in and hires plumbers, electricians, framers, etc. As you design your life, your team may include coaches, mentors, teachers, associates, partners, interns, contractors and whoever can help you to achieve your goals.

As you start working your plan, review it on a regular basis, adjust for changes, and always reward yourself for your progress. With these tools in your toolbox, you’re on your way to designing your own life.