iOS 7.1 software drains batteries, erases contacts, iPhone users say

Customer’s say it’s killing their phone batteries among other pesky glitches.The iOS7.1 is the first major update to Apple’s newest operating systems for iPhones and iPads and the apple community is lamenting poor battery charges, disappearing contacts, bad Bluetooth connections, keyboards oriented the wrong way, and the list goes on, reports the Huffington Post.According to […]

iOS 7.1 software drains batteries, erases contacts, iPhone users say
iOS 7.1 software drains batteries, erases contacts, iPhone users say

Customer’s say it’s killing their phone batteries among other pesky glitches.
The iOS7.1 is the first major update to Apple’s newest operating systems for iPhones and iPads and the apple community is lamenting poor battery charges, disappearing contacts, bad Bluetooth connections, keyboards oriented the wrong way, and the list goes on, reports the Huffington Post.
According to, the iOS 7.1 is already on 21 per cent of all iPhones and iPads making it one of the fastest changeovers to a new operating system in recent history.
Despite rigorous internal testing and five beta versions offered to Apple developers, the battery seems to drop much faster than it did on the iOS7.
A twitter page dedicated to problems with the iOS7.1 has a collection of comments on the faults with the new update.
‘iPhone has been unplugged 30 mins and already down to 92% battery’ tweeted @Robbie Kimpton.
‘I think I’d have to get that juice pack that gives me double battery life,’ tweeted Timothy Tung Nguyen.
 ‘Not knowing who you’re texting,’ tweeted @DanHallas
Users also took to Apple’s discussion forum to voice their issues with the supposedly newer and better program.
I’ve had my phone for 3 months, never have dropped it once or anything of the sort, if that matters. My battery drains to 50% within an hour or so after intense use on the lowest level of brightness, and I seem to lose about 5-7 percents when on standby for 5 hours or so,’ said rainxwater.
‘My iphone 5s battery also drains fast after ios 7.1 update. Before the update I get 24hrs moderate to heavy use. But now I only get 12 hours’.
My iPhone 5S has been draining like crazy since the iOS 7.1 Update. This morning I woke up at 8:30, my phone was at 100%. It’s now 10:40 and my phone is at 85%,’ said Mattyboy.
Customers now wait to see if Apple will take charge over the system’s battery problems.  (Dailymailonline )