IPAC: A failed experiment or mere contraception?

Most Nigerians are disillusioned by the Nigerian political landscape, a landscape marred by inefficiency, greed, deceit, corruption, and a dearth of visionary leadership. It is a landscape where politicians and political parties too often prioritize self-interest over the welfare of the nation, where the voices of the marginalised are drowned out by the cacophony of […]

IPAC: A failed experiment or mere contraception?

Most Nigerians are disillusioned by the Nigerian political landscape, a landscape marred by inefficiency, greed, deceit, corruption, and a dearth of visionary leadership. It is a landscape where politicians and political parties too often prioritize self-interest over the welfare of the nation, where the voices of the marginalised are drowned out by the cacophony of power struggles and selfish actualisation.

In this vast landscape or ocean of Nigerian politics, where turbulent waves crash against the hulls of promises unfulfilled, citizens are yearning for a credible alternative – a ship that can weather the storms and steer toward the shores of good governance. Here enters the Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC), an umbrella body of political parties that, like a compass, should points toward a more robust democracy. But is IPAC the North Star we seek, or has it lost its bearings?

As the sands of time have shifted, IPAC seems to find itself casting adrift, a mere shadow of its self, lacking direction and purpose.

IPAC, at its inception, held the potential to bring together parties to forge a united front. The vision was clear; to ensure a level playing field, where every party has a voice in governance, and to act as a safeguard for Nigerian citizens sidelined by the tumultuous waves of politics. Yet, in practice, IPAC has fallen short of this noble ambition. It has become a fragmented chamber, where it voices was supposed to be raised in favour of equity and good governance now languish in the shadows of complacency.

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Pertinent Questions Begging for Answers

  1. Is IPAC ensnared in the web of political intrigues?
  2. Can IPAC be that staunch advocate for good governance?

iii. Will IPAC be able to serve as a force for unity and progress?

  1. Has IPAC succumbed to the pressures of partisanship?
  2. Is IPAC failing to provide the much-needed cohesion among opposition parties?

The Current State of IPAC: A Contraption Adrift

Is IPAC the ideal place to search for Nigeria’s political panacea or has it become a mere contraption without a rudder or compass to direct its affairs and now drifting aimlessly? IPAC now faces scrutiny, as its sails seems tattered and its crew divided. But let us not abandon ship just yet.

The Value of IPAC: A Lighthouse in the Fog

What went wrong? The answer lies in the failure to recognize the true power of unity and collective action. IPAC should be more than just a forum for dialogue, it should be a catalyst for change, a rallying cry for the marginalised and disenfranchised. Yet, in its quest for relevance, IPAC lost sight of its purpose, succumbing to the pressures of partisan politics and self-interest.

But all is not lost. In the midst of despair, there lies an opportunity for redemption, a chance to breathe new life into the dormant embers of Nigeria’s political landscape. It starts with a fundamental shift in mindset, a reawakening of the spirit of solidarity and collaboration.

Let’s picture a Nigeria with a political landscape where parties, regardless of size or stature, stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight for good governance and accountability.

This vision can be realized through concrete action and unwavering commitment. IPAC must undergo a profound transformation, shedding its cloak of indifference and embracing its role as a vanguard for change through:

  1. Unity Amidst Fragmentation: IPAC as an umbrella for all registered political parties should be a place where discord is replaced by dialogue and collaboration. Instead of viewing other parties as adversaries, politicians should embrace collaboration.

– Imagine a united fleet of ships, each flying different flags but sailing toward a common goal

  1. Radical Transformation: IPAC should be a renaissance fuelled by transparency, inclusivity, and a steadfast commitment to the people.

– It must become a platform where ideas flourish, where collective action drives meaningful reform.

  1. Forging Alliances and Partnership: IPAC to embark on forging alliances that transcend partisan divides. By pooling their resources and expertise, parties can amplify their impact and effect real change on a national scale.

– Like lighthouses guiding ships through treacherous waters, IPAC’s advocacy will ensure citizens get value for their votes.

  1. The Book of Elections, A Charted Course: The recent book, “The 2023 Elections in Nigeria: Actors, Intrigues & Winners,” should serve as a compass.

– As it reflects the highs and lows, milestones and missed opportunities. Its pages hold recommendations for electoral reforms and more.

Navigating Beyond IPAC: Uncharted Waters

Failing to heed the above advise IPAC, may teether towards the abys. Therefore, patriotic Nigerians must explore uncharted waters and play the vital role which those straddling the seat of power have failed to play. This will be done through:

  1. Imagine a ship crewed by passionate individuals. Therefore, let all well-meaning Nigerians and friends of Nigeria support and nurture their potential to captain our nation.
  2. Technology as the Sextant: Technology (Track-it) our modern sextant, should guide us. Therefore, let’s embrace innovation, leaving behind the outdated methods.
  3. The Island of Accountability: Picture an island where politicians face consequences for broken promises. Therefore, let’s build bridges to this island, ensuring leaders answer to the people.

Charting a New Course:  Sails set for Credible Governance

As we hoist our sails, let’s remember, Nigeria’s democracy is our ship, and we are all sailors. Together, we can navigate toward a brighter horizon, leaving the doldrums behind.

It is time for Nigerian politicians to cast aside the shackles of self-interest and embrace a vision of politics rooted in service, integrity, and inclusivity. The journey towards a better Nigeria may be fraught with challenges, but it is a journey worth undertaking for the sake of every Nigerian who dreams of a brighter tomorrow.

Let’s remember, the fate of IPAC and indeed, the fate of Nigeria lies in the hands of its people. It is up to us to demand more from our political institutions, to hold them accountable for their actions, and to never lose sight of the ideals that unite us.

Finally, the true measure of Nigeria’s political evolution lies not in the grandeur of its institutions or the power of its leaders, but in the dignity, prosperity, and well-being of its people. It is time to rewrite Nigeria’s political narrative, the time for action is now. The time for change is upon us.

Alhaji Adamu Rabiu writes from Kaduna


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