Is it wrong for a man to help with house chores?

Over the past few weeks, there have been debates on if a woman belongs to the kitchen or not. These debates on various social media platforms have generated interesting and intriguing responses.  One interesting point it has raised is if it’s okay for a man to assist his wife in the kitchen or even do […]

Is it wrong for a man to help with house chores?

Over the past few weeks, there have been debates on if a woman belongs to the kitchen or not. These debates on various social media platforms have generated interesting and intriguing responses.  One interesting point it has raised is if it’s okay for a man to assist his wife in the kitchen or even do house chores of any kind. 

Maryam Ibrahim, 38-year-old accountant, had this to say. “It’s not a bad thing for a man to assist his wife with chores at home but sometimes it backfires. I say this because I am a woman and sometimes women abuse privileges. I have seen an instance where the wife uses this as an excuse to take advantage of the man.” 

Aisha Bello, 40-year-old PR consultant, says it’s a good thing when husbands help their wives but it shouldn’t be taken for granted. “It’s good for a hubby to help his wife out but on the other hand, the wife should not take advantage of it especially when they have visitors around. A good wife should know the limit to which her husband can help her out with house chores.  A man is supposed to be the head of the family and not an errand boy. I agree that there are circumstances that cannot be helped, like when the wife is critically ill, the man has to fit into the shoes of the wife to get things done.”

Adeshola Akin, 37-year-old teacher, says “Truth be told, how many women can stand seeing their brothers do most of the house work in their homes. Let’s accord them that respect as the men that they are. In the African culture, house chores are mostly meant for women, the husband can help at his will and sometimes on agreement but not as an obligation.”

Her sister, Adebosun Akin, 40-year-old banker, however disagrees with her sister. “House chores are meant for both males and females. After degrading ourselves as women, we will start crying for emancipation and women’s rights. We have a brother who helps his wife with almost everything and I couldn’t be more proud of him. If all Nigerian men knew how to do their chores by themselves, maybe the cheating will be less. I disagree with the view that house chores are meant for women. I would advise mothers not to train their sons to believe that house chores are meant for only their sisters. It won’t do them any good in the future.”