Is restructuring solution to Nigeria’s problems?

We read a comical and droll story or agitation by a negligible and handful peevish group who considered themselves as the mouthpiece for the people of the Middle Belt, conveying the opinion or the sentiment of others. This funny and humorous agitation was carried by The Guardian newspaper of 23rd June, 2017. These elements do […]

Is restructuring solution to Nigeria’s problems?

We read a comical and droll story or agitation by a negligible and handful peevish group who considered themselves as the mouthpiece for the people of the Middle Belt, conveying the opinion or the sentiment of others. This funny and humorous agitation was carried by The Guardian newspaper of 23rd June, 2017.

These elements do not represent the entire people of the region, but are only lots who are looking for relevance and leadership in the country. Where were they before? What were they doing? Is it now that when the others expressed their view point, they came out to seize the opportunity to voice their epileptic stand which is devoid of support of every patriotic and civilized Nigerian.

What is ridiculous and preposterous in their calculation is the counting of some parts of the core-northern states along religious line to destabilize the region entirely. These include parts of Gombe, Kaduna, Adamawa, Taraba, Kebbi and Borno and so on.

I would like to call on all Nigerians in general and northerners in particular not to allow ourselves to be used by these self -centred and egocentric creatures. Muslims and Christians have been living together for centuries in the atmosphere of peace, tolerance and love until when such subversive and inflammatory persons emerged among us. The previous elections speak clearly for this. The states which are known as overpopulated and predominated by Christians had voted for PMB. Therefore, we should not be carried away by the venom of jealously; we should not listen to these demagogue politicians who are prophets of doom.

To my understanding, the aim of this clique is to batter and shatter Nigeria since they are no longer relevant in the scheme of things.  Many of them who keyed into the call for restructuring did so in an effort to find their way back to power, not necessarily because they know what restructuring is in the first place.

They also impertinently brought the issue of Fulani herdsmen asking the federal government to curb the menace. If they are truly patriotic, why did they not make the same call on Boko Haram’s menace which is more dangerous? We know the issue of Fulani herdsmen is being dilated and amplified by such people basically to tarnish the image of the present administration under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB). This menace predates the present administration, its commonplace for decades in the country, especially in the North.

 Those who mean well should call for a holistic approach to issues; it is sad they only requested the government to settle the people of Southern Borno. According to them this will promote peace. I wonder, what becomes of IDPs from other parts of the state? Surely, this insensibility and ill-feeling towards others cannot promote peace or stability in the region as they claimed but rather it will promote hatred, animosity, and division. They also brought the issue of Chibok girls. Please, what is special in these girls? What of the other thousands of captives with the dreadful killers? They denounced the call by the Arewa Youth on Igbo to quit the North as unacceptable. My question here is this, why did they not condemn the call for Biafra?

Poignantly, if the restructuring or reframing of Nigeria is the only solution to her multi-dimensional problems, then let it be, but at the same time, it should be at the back of our minds that this country had passed through various stages of restructuring and reshaping since independence. There were three regions in the beginning but Nigeria is now divided into 36 states. Please follow the history. The problem of Nigeria is not restructuring or creation of more states and regions or granting local governments autonomy and liberty. No matter for how many parts and fractions this country will be divided, as much as the following vices are in place and not squarely addressed and uprooted, paupers will remain perpetually and unceasingly in abject poverty and slavery. Demeanours of all forms of corruption must be brought to a complete halt, particularly malfeasance, insincerity, dishonesty, lack of patriotism, tribalism, religious sentiment and egocentrism.

Most Nigerian leaders have little or no regard for the have-nots, other than their wanton and dissolute self -centeredness. Nothing can unite this country and bring permanent peace except justice and just leaders. Those who are now seemingly assumed as northern leaders and contributed their voices in favour of the issue of resetting the country do not represent the views of the North and they are not spokesmen for the region, no matter what position they held in the past.

They have little respect even in the country as a whole. The same people are the cause of our backwardness, impoverishment and aridity in the region. It is my pretty belief that when Nigeria had three regions and the Protectorate of Lagos, the masses were more catered for than the multitude of states and local governments we have now which serve only the interest of the politicians.  I would like to draw the attention of Nigerians to the fact that if anything, restructuring should entail addressing the phenomenon of corruption instead of the selfish reframing of the country that will further give ample room for the political class to create new bureaucracies under their armpit.

I feel it is pertinent for me in this write up to salute Governor Nyeson Wike of Rivers State, southern elders and statesmen who met under the Yiegba Charter in Lagos, General Yakubu Gowon, the renowned and celebrated champion of unity and one solid Nigerian man of God, Chief Barrister Oburo from Delta for his mantra of One Nigeria during the programme entitled ‘Platform Petroleum’ on Channels TV and all Nigerians whose objective is to keep this country peaceful and indivisible. I pray to Almighty Allah to assist them for their noble posture.

The American Ambassador to Nigeria who spoke on AIT on Friday 30th June, 2017 at the 241th anniversary of American independence said to Nigerians, “Any person who tries to divide the country should be exposed and be cautioned.”

He affirmed that Nigeria’s strength lies in the diversity of her people. He further explained that this was how America grew to her current position in the world. All our diverse peoples should work together, hand in hand, to unite and develop the country. I hail the ambassador and the European Economic Countries (EEC) representative for their support for our unity and cohesion.

I wish to draw the attention of irresponsible politicians in the country to desist from misguided and divisive utterances. Sickness is not confined to Mr. President alone; any mortal may fall sick.

I cherish and cling fondly to the conduct of Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State for his focus on development of his state and for his commendable statements to unite this country.

I also cheer and applaud the governors of the Middle Belt for their patriotism and love for peace and progress of the country.   Let all Nigerians rally round the diligent Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo to assist him in his effort to stabilize the country in order to establish everlasting peace and progress.

Prof. Nguru is the Chief Executive Officer of Nigerian Arabic Village, Ngala, Borno State.


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