Is Rotimi Amaechi a wailer?

These are desperate times; a time of signs and wonders. It is “injury time” – anything can happen. Only the unwary will be taken in by the magic of this time.  Everything you read, every video you watch, and every audio recording you listen to that is put out by APC or PDP campaign minions […]

Is Rotimi Amaechi a wailer?

These are desperate times; a time of signs and wonders. It is “injury time” – anything can happen.

Only the unwary will be taken in by the magic of this time.  Everything you read, every video you watch, and every audio recording you listen to that is put out by APC or PDP campaign minions is a piece in the art of war of either parties. And as such, there should be caution in giving them credibility.  Being circumspect is vital.

At this time, we must have the head to bear our own mystery. We must not take everything at face value or we risk to be counted in the statistics of fools.

It is the job of some people to make us think, react and act in a certain way during political campaigns. They are professionals. I will not want to be in the number of fools “these professionals” will write in their report as one of those who swallowed their bait.

I have listened to the alleged “Amaechi-leaked-tapes”. I cannot speak on the authenticity of the recordings, but the deafening silence of Rotimi Amaechi is suspect. Could it be that the minister is still studying the tapes? Could it be that he is tongue-tied? Or could it be that he does not want to stoke more controversy by reacting to them?

It is understandable, whichever way Amaechi responds to the “leaked tapes” political blood will be drawn from them. But I think, he ought to respond them.

But is Amaechi a wailer?

Amaechi’s political antecedents show him to be someone who rarely conceals his opinions about issues. He brooks no gag. He says it where it hurts him.

But lately, he appears to be shackled, uncharacteristic of him. He makes very few public statements and appearances. At a point, he stopped talking about this administration. Knowing Amaechi to be vocal, and the gadfly that he is, this is puzzling, and it raises some questions.

Beyond the “leaked-tapes”, whatever opinion he holds of the government he serves in is valid. Personally, I know some people, who work with the government, are not happy with the way things are, but I cannot betray their trust and publish what they told me or sell the information to rival politicians for filthy lucre.

These are desperate times, and there will be desperate measures. Nigerians must be cautious of whatever narrative the APC and the PDP sells. We must not be beguiled or be confused about what is happening here, the struggle is for our votes not for our security or betterment.

In all, everyone is a wailer; it is just the courage to own it that matters.

Fredrick Nwabufo, Abuja