Is Saminu the new change agent?

You are happy that PDP members are running helter skelter from their doomed party and are fleeing in the direction of APC like so many rats in a flooded house. Don’t you know that some of them could be bearing the political equivalent of Lassa fever? The most prominent of the persons that have so […]

Is Saminu the new change agent?
Is Saminu the new change agent?

You are happy that PDP members are running helter skelter from their doomed party and are fleeing in the direction of APC like so many rats in a flooded house. Don’t you know that some of them could be bearing the political equivalent of Lassa fever? The most prominent of the persons that have so far defected from PDP to APC, within a week of their party losing the presidential election, is Ibrahim Saminu Turaki, the former Governor of Jigawa State. He arrived along with the state’s current deputy governor, Ahmed Mahmud Gumel and two former senators.
Did you ask them what they were doing all these years that they did not make up their minds to defect from PDP until it was soundly defeated in the election? Do you think they would have come over to APC if PDP had won the election? They would have been there at the Villa by now, genuflecting before Mama Peace and begging for crumbs from her opulent table. They are running into APC because it won; it means the day APC loses an election, they will pick race into the new ruling party.
Especially Saminu. This man became the Governor of Jigawa State twice on the platform of APP/ANPP in 1999 and 2003. In 2007 he sold the party’s Jigawa branch to PDP, was rewarded with a senatorial ticket and he actively supported Third Term. What is he coming back to do in APC now, which has accommodated the rump ANPP that he abandoned? Is it Saminu’s style of rule that you want to incorporate into APC’s Change mandate? Does the new APC government intend to rule from Singapore or to be based near-permanently inside a plane?
Does APC’s program include setting up toad and snake farms, throwing away our millet to grow Thai sugarcane or does it intend to set up Informatics Institutes without caring for primary schools? I beg, tell him to go back whence he came from.

Orubebe needs a lift to The Hague
What is Mr Godsday Orubebe still doing in Nigeria when his bunk bed has already been well laid for him at a holding cell at The Hague, awaiting his arrival? Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Fatou Ben-Souda adequately warned Nigerian politicians before the last presidential elections that anybody who did anything to disrupt the peace would be hauled before ICC to face the music. Well, most Nigerians heeded her warning and behaved themselves except for one man, Orubebe.
This man tried to plunge Nigeria into chaos by disrupting the vote collation process of the presidential election. He did not care at all that the event was being beamed live on television to national and international audiences and millions of his countrymen and women were glued to their televisions sets, watching the spectacle. He wanted to cause enough confusion and turmoil so that lives will be lost, injuries will be sustained, property will be lost and millions of his compatriots will become refugees and Internally Displaced Persons [IDPs] all so that he will serve his selfish ends of being reappointed Minister of Niger Delta Affairs.
Some people are saying that Ben-Souda should not apprehend Orubebe because he later showed remorse and apologised. Since when did showing remorse stop a criminal from being prosecuted? The opportunity for remorse will come later. After he is tried and convicted at The Hague he will get a chance to speak in mitigation of his sentence before it is handed down. If Mrs Ben-Souda is having logistic difficulties coming down here to pick Orubebe, the Inspector General of Police should help out. I say apprehend him and send him post haste to The Hague!