Is taking selfies while doing Tawaf lawful?

Yes. Is taking “selfies” while doing Tawaf lawful? In other words, is it permissible for a pilgrim (Muhrim) to turn rites of hajj to mere play? Is it permissible for a Muhrim to convert hajj to ordinary tourism, full of merry-making and totally devoid and bereft of solemnity and subtleties? I raised these questions out […]

Is taking selfies while doing Tawaf lawful?

Yes. Is taking “selfies” while doing Tawaf lawful? In other words, is it permissible for a pilgrim (Muhrim) to turn rites of hajj to mere play? Is it permissible for a Muhrim to convert hajj to ordinary tourism, full of merry-making and totally devoid and bereft of solemnity and subtleties? I raised these questions out of my desire to remind you of some of the things you should know before embarking on hajj. For my sister who intends to perform hajj, she should be aware that except in her state of Ihram, it is permissible for her to use her veil and gloves. Aishah the wife of the Prophet (r.a) is reported to have said: “The riders would pass by us while we were with the Messenger of the Almighty ( in the state of ihram. As soon as they came near us, one of us would lower her jilbab from her head over her face, and then when they had passed, she would uncover it.” This has been cited as evidence of the permissibility for women to use face veil particularly when they are not in a state of ihram.

It is equally permissible for the Muhrim to use whatever medication that is lawful in alleviating whatever suffering or pain they may experience while on hajj. It is permissible for the Muhrim to use waist belt or ring even while in Ihram. It is permissible for pilgrims to protect himself or herself from harm from creatures of the Almighty as much as possible. While not in Ihram, it is lawful for spouses in Ihram to copulate. This is part of the rahmah of the Almighty for us, Muslims.

However, besides all of the above and others around which there is consensus of scholars on their permissibility, certain acts are not permissible for pilgrims immediately the intention is made for hajj with the adornment of the garment of Ihram. The pilgrim is not allowed to use scented soaps, lotions and cologne on body and ihram. It is strictly described in Hadiths that the use of perfumes is not permissible for Muhrim as quoted in Hadith that Prophet asked his followers to not apply perfume on a deceased man who died in state of ihram. “Wash the Muhrim in the two garments in which he entered Ihram, and wash him with water and lotus leaves, and shroud him in his two garments, and do not put perfume on him nor cover his head, for he will be raised on the Day of Resurrection in Ihram”, he is reported to have said.

Further, it is not permitted for the pilgrims in Ihram to engage in sexual intercourse with their spouses until the rites of hajj are completed. In fact to don the Ihram, it must be remembered, is to engage in self-abnegation, to cast the world aside with its fleeting pleasures and promises. Thus pilgrims are expected to avoid intimate relations with their spouses.

As soon as the ihram garment is adorned, it becomes impermissible for the male pilgrim to shave his head until after the sacrifice is done which marks the first completion of the rites of hajj. The Almighty expressly gives the instruction to that effect in the Quran when He says: “And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter.” [2:196]

Now comes this- I once encountered women on hajj who experienced sudden flow of their monthly cycle. This occurred at the culmination of the rites of hajj otherwise known as tawaf al-Ifadah. Such women are expected to honour the Kaaba by reframing from entering it despite the importance of the occasion. Aisha (r.a) is reported to have said- “the Almighty has prescribed this for the daughters of Adam, so do what other pilgrims do except tawaf until you take the birth of purification”. Now to the question of interest today- Is taking “selfies’ while doing tawaf lawful? In answering this question, I wish to ask another question- is taking ‘selfies’ while observing salat reasonable if not unlawful? In other words, without delving into the grammar of jurisprudence, it stands to reason that taking selfies is an act of play, not an act of worship. Thus what happens when acts of play and jest are mixed with acts of worship?

During the Umrah I saw pilgrims with various types of hand-phones. They were busy taking pictures of themselves while doing tawaf; they were engaged in what I referred to as the profanisation of the sacred and the materialisation of the sacred. I shook my head when I beheld brethren in faith who were busy taking pictures of themselves as they were running between Safa and Marwa. It felt like mixing Zamzam water with alcohol; or mixing rice with sand. Through such conducts, the rites of hajj lose their meaning. The pilgrim who does this shifts his attention away from the Almighty to the Self, the iniquitous entity the purification of which the Hajj sets out achieve. The female pilgrim who is busy taking pictures of herself while doing Sa’y cannot remember Hajar anymore. She would not remember her Creator too. 

She would lose the opportunity of rediscovering herself at that important moment when self-rediscovery is the nodus of spiritual engagement. How would that brother appear in your reckoning – the person who is taking pictures of himself while observing salat? Would he not be making jest of himself?