Islam and obedience to leaders

One of the most important Islamic injunctions is obedience (with goodness) to constituted authority and the leaders in the society. The Islamic scholars said it is compulsory to obey and follow leaders and constituted authority as long as they do not command us to disobey Allah and His noble Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). However, they added, […]

Islam and obedience to leaders
Islam and obedience to leaders

One of the most important Islamic injunctions is obedience (with goodness) to constituted authority and the leaders in the society.
The Islamic scholars said it is compulsory to obey and follow leaders and constituted authority as long as they do not command us to disobey Allah and His noble Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). However, they added, there is no obedience to leaders and constituted authority when they command their followers to disobey Allah and His Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh).
This is in line with what Allah says in the Qur’an chapter 4:59, “O ye who have believed, obey Allah  and obey His Messenger  and the people of authority amongst you. And if you disagree over anything, return the matter to Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad, pbuh) if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day.  That is the best [way] and best in result.”
And it is also in line with the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever obeys me, has indeed obeyed Allah; whoever disobeys me, has indeed disobeyed Allah; whoever obeys the leader, has indeed obeyed me; whoever disobeys the leader, has indeed disobeyed me”. (Bukhari and Muslim).
He (pbuh) also said: “Hear and obey, even if a black, ugly, small-headed black slave is made your leader”. (Bukhari and Muslim)
He (pbuh) further said: “Hear and obey even if you are beaten (unjustly) and your wealth is wrongly confiscated (by the leader) still obey him.” (Muslim and Abu Dawud)
Because of this, the righteous Muslim predecessors have all agreed that obedience to the rulers is compulsory. They also agreed that it is haram to disobey them, take up arms against them, to undermine their government by publicly demonstrating against their leadership and incite the public against them in whatever method.
Conversely, supplicating for their goodness, their uprightness and guidance is encouraged by Islam, and this was practised by the pious predecessors in Islam.
Imam Al-Fudhayl Ibn ‘Iyadh (RA) said: “If I have a good prayer (that will be accepted by Allah), I will make it for the leader. We have been commanded to pray for them with goodness and we have not been commanded to curse them even if they are transgressors and oppressors. This is because their injustice would only be on their necks (as sins) and their being upright (because of good supplications for them) will be for them and for us.” (Alwajeez fee ‘Aqeedah as-Salaf)
Imam Al-Hassan Al-basary (RA) also said: “Go and know, may Allah rectify your affairs, that injustice by a (tyrant) leader is a trial from Allah. And the trial from Allah can’t be removed with sword (violence); it could only be removed by prayers, repentance, regret and staying away from sins. If a trial is faced with sword (violence), it becomes stronger and harder.” (Aadabu Al-Hassan Al-basary of Ibn Al-Jawziy)
It is also said that Al-Hassan Al-basary saw a man cursing Al Hajjaj Ibn Yuusuf (who was one of the tyrant leaders in the history of Islam), and he (Al-basary) said: ‘don’t do that again! May Allah have mercy on you; it is from amongst you that he (Al Hajjaj) was brought out to be your leader. Verily we fear that if he is replaced or he dies, a leader worst than him may be appointed over you (because of your bad behaviours). (Aadabu Al-Hassan Al-basary).