Islamic group cautions against greed, extreme quest for materialism

The Al-Mu’minaat (Believing Women) organization has charged the Muslim ummah to be good vicegerents of Allah by upholding His injunctions and frontload lots of virtuous deeds that would make them succeed in the world and the hereafter. It urged the faithful to shun acts of covetousness, greed, extreme quest for materialism and other despicable acts […]

Islamic group cautions against greed, extreme quest for materialism

The Al-Mu’minaat (Believing Women) organization has charged the Muslim ummah to be good vicegerents of Allah by upholding His injunctions and frontload lots of virtuous deeds that would make them succeed in the world and the hereafter.

It urged the faithful to shun acts of covetousness, greed, extreme quest for materialism and other despicable acts that have the propensity to derail them from the inevitability of the hereafter.

The National Amira of the organization, Hajia Nimotallahi Abdullateef, made the call at the open its annual camping programme in Abuja, themed, “Life as a mirage”.

She reminded the delegates that the worldly life is ephemeral and that they must brace against all odds in ensuring that the journey to the hereafter is not sacrificed on a platter of gold.

The guest lecturer, Hajia Bushrah Ali, Deputy Director in Lagos State Ministry of Education, stressed the need for the Muslim faithful to be committed to their religion as that is the only insulator against evil acts that has eaten deep into the fabric of the nation.

Corruption and other nefarious acts as ever witnessed in the nation today is as a result of the ‘get rich quick’ syndrome, she said.

She admonished all Nigerians to be fearful of Allah in all dealings because, no matter how long we stay on the surface of the earth, we shall all return to Him.

“We should see ourselves as strangers who are sojourning the earth for just a short while,” she noted, calling on individuals and government at all levels to exercise self-restraint as they pursue worldly things endlessly.