It is time for recess

“Neglecting to take regular, habitual rest days will likely lead to injury, a feeling of “being burned out”, and can hinder performance. After properly resting, our bodies are better able to perform athletically, and think critically” – importance of rest It seems in Nigeria the older we get in life, the shorter the break […]

It is time for recess
It is time for recess

“Neglecting to take regular, habitual rest days will likely lead to injury, a feeling of “being burned out”, and can hinder performance. After properly resting, our bodies are better able to perform athletically, and think critically” – importance of rest

It seems in Nigeria the older we get in life, the shorter the break time we have. As pupils of primary school, and students of secondary school, we had long breaks of thirty (30) minutes, and short break of fifteen (15)minutes before end of class by 2pm. As undergraduates in university, break time was the free period in between lectures, as law school students, we had fifteen (15) minutes tea break between 9am – 3pm, while in National Youth Service Corps, break time depended on the primary place of assignment a corps member is attached with.

Rest is a core component of a balanced life and fitness routine. The importance of rest is oftentimes overlooked in the pursuit of living a healthy life. This is because we are wired into believing that hard work takes precedence over everything in life. 

According to, an internet platform created to bring awareness on how diet can change one’s life, on the importance of rest in a healthy lifestyle said, “it is quite hard to maintain a healthy approach to life especially with the hustle and bustle of today’s generation… regardless of your priorities, you need to find a way to get some rest, lack of rest can prevent you from displaying positive traits.

In the legal industry, a lawyer is almost on the job 24/7 for the 365 days of the year. In human existence, there is hardly any human interaction with another individual that is not backed by the implication or operation law. In Nigerian setting, parties (tend to) only consult or engage the services of a lawyer when a particular situation has gone bad, ‘beyond repair’. At that point, after engaging the services of a lawyer, they expect immediate emergency result thereby putting the lawyer under constant pressure to satisfy his/her client.

Most legal professionals in Nigeria in a bid to satisfy their clients’ needs on a daily basis, neglect important personal needs like rest, healthy lifestyle, dieting, exercise, family time etc. This stressful genre of practice can lead to failing health at old age. On a brighter side, if a legal practitioner has not being giving the body rest due to the hazards of the job; it is not too late to get it right.

There is no better time to get it right than this holiday season. Intentional and mindful rest during the holiday season can be the most effective time you have; this is the best time to reflect and recharge our batteries for the coming year. 

To make the best use of the holiday, start with solitude giving yourself more time to rest, paying attention to what the body and mind need to refresh, reflect on this year to create a vision for the year ahead. Spend quality time with your family, take everyone that matters out to somewhere to have fun to further strengthen the bond; eat healthy with emphasis on fruits and vegetables, engage in an exercise no matter how little, even walking has been found to be a good form of exercise for the aged and female gender.

The goal is to combine high-level work of being lawyers with a reasonable lifestyle. Except for the unfortunate few lawyers who get disbarred by the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee, a lawyer remains a lawyer for life. It is for this reason that a legal practitioner ought to create a work schedule that involves giving the body and mind rest. Hard work pays, but better health pays more. Legal professionals should avoid the pitfalls of over stretching the body without giving time to relax the mind and body.

A lot has happened this year, some according to plan, and some didn’t go as expected, but life goes on. As the year comes to an end, we should let go of all disappointments of 2017, re-strategise our modus operandi and look forward to a better and healthier 2018.

Merry Christmas, and happy holiday!


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