It is time for your freedom and promotion

Psalm 105:17-21, “He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: [18] Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: [19] Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. [20] The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the […]

It is time for your freedom and promotion

Psalm 105:17-21, “He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: [18] Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: [19] Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. [20] The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. [21] He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance…”

Joseph lost his freedom first when he became a slave, and it became worse when he was thrown into jail. But God brought him out and promoted him. God sent me to tell someone that it is time for your lifting! It is time for your freedom! God is lining up help for you at this hour, in the name of Jesus!

Why do people lose their freedom?

  1. Ignorance. Because of ignorance we see heirs serving those who are supposed to serve them (Psalm 82:5-7). Satan will keep you begging for what you have if you do not know it belongs to you. Ignorance of who God is, who the enemy is, who you are, your position in Christ, the promises of God, your divine inheritance, and most especially how to receive and enjoy your inheritance. There are principles you must employ in order to have access to what has been allocated to you. And it is not small.
  2. Sin. Disregard for the commands of God. For instance, offence, anger, hatred, etc., can hinder your progress. Joseph forgave his brothers long before they apologised to him. Sin must be avoided at all costs.
  3. Unbelief. The Word of God does not work for those who doubt it. Joseph held on to God despite his afflictions. Steadfast faith is a requirement for enjoying freedom.
  4. Carelessness. Unguarded utterances. Always keep your emotions in check and watch what you say when you are provoked. You will remain at the bottom if you keep grumbling, murmuring, and complaining. Satan does not mind you giving, sowing, or going to church as long as you keep saying the wrong things and cursing yourself. Your words create your world; just like God created the world with His words. 1Peter 3:10, “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.”
  5. The wickedness of people. Joseph’s brothers, Potiphar’s wife, the Jews who conspired against Jesus, etc. were all wicked to him. There will always be people who will have one reason or the other to hate you. Watch in prayer.

Rising To Your Place Of Honour

There is a place of honour for you in destiny. But four things must happen before you can occupy your place.

  1. Discovery. You must discover your purpose, assignment, and place if you are to occupy it. God gave Joseph a vision of his assignment and place in destiny. Like Joseph, God created you to do some things on planet earth. Your discovery of it is what is called vision. Unfortunately, many people never depend on the Holy Spirit to help them discover their vision. They end up chasing shadows resulting in frustration. I pray that God will open your eyes to discover His vision for you and guide you to fulfil it, in Jesus name.
  2. Be ready to fight. Once this door of revelation is opened unto you, the enemy shows up with a series of attacks aimed at preventing you from achieving God’s purpose for your life. “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.” 1Corinthians 16:9. God points you in the direction you should go and often, there are challenges on the way. Don’t faint, don’t quit!
  3. Submit to divine Process. Find out the route God has chosen for you to get there. He led Joseph through a route Joseph would not have chosen to bring God’s plan to pass. Joseph found himself in Potiphar’s house as a slave and from there he was thrown into prison. Satan not only likes to imprison a man; he imprisons his destiny also. He puts his destiny on hold in an attempt to destroy it. Joseph was imprisoned for an offence he did not commit but it was a divine plan to get him to the place of his assignment. God will allow you to go through certain problems to get you to the place of the fulfilment of your vision. When it is time, that problem cannot last a minute longer. Listen, that trouble you are facing right now will not last a minute longer, in the name of Jesus!
  4. Qualify for the position you are destined to occupy. Joseph had to learn leadership and management in Potiphar’s house. He didn’t learn it in his father’s house. He took an advance course in leadership while he was in prison. God will first allow you to grow and become valuable to people at a high level before connecting you to them to reward you for your value at that level. There are people in authority that have been ordained to contribute to your lifting and until you meet them, your lifting will not happen. What God does is to first make you valuable, then He will create a need that requires your competence and the value you carry so that they can reward you and lift you. Sometimes you need a link agent that will connect you to your lifter whom you would not ordinarily have had access to. God will allow you to go through certain problems in in order to connect you to your link agents who will connect you to your lifter. So then, your priority is to keep learning and growing in your value and competence no matter where you find yourself. Solve problems for people and you will be rewarded. The level of reward depends on the level of the person you deliver value to.

That is the reason why you should give thanks in all things realising that God is weaving every experience into the fulfilment of your dream and into the creation of your destiny. My prayer for you is that you will keep growing and developing until you are ready for that contact, in the name of Jesus. My second prayer is that you will not miss your link agents, in Jesus name.

Joseph was carrying a huge dream, but he was incarcerated, incapacitated and restricted. Note however that Joseph did not allow his mind to be chained. He refused to succumb to the lies of the devil through the persecution he was subjected to. He refused to turn away from God. For years he lost his freedom. For years he laboured for others to eat.

God is getting ready to lift you beyond your wildest dream. God will raise strangers to reward and lift you, in the name of Jesus!

Welcome to your season of glory! Welcome to your season of favour, dignity and honour, in the name of Jesus!


Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.