It is time to understand our religious differences

Whenever I wake up every blissful day and thought of the dwindling interfaith relationship between diverse ethno-religious citizens of my country..

It is time to understand our religious differences
It is time to understand our religious differences

Whenever I wake up every blissful day and thought of the dwindling interfaith relationship between diverse ethno-religious citizens of my country, I become confused, provoked and wondering.

Yes, the situation requires urgent attention from the relevant authorities especially parents who are the first agents of socialization to their children to prevent it from further getting out of hand.

Government, religious bodies and traditional institutions should not be left alone with the issue of addressing moral decadence and interfaith hatred  in the minds of the young generation.

No doubt, this would strengthen the bond of relationship between Muslim and Christian faithful whom without each no follower could run his life  smoothly.

Nigerians need to be reminded that the same God who created Adam and Eve as the first creatures on earth is same that created Muhammad and Moses to live together as brothers keepers not to harm themselves.

Gone are the days when religious bigotry is used by some fanatics as a weapon to poison the minds of the upcoming generation as you hardly trek a short distance either in Kano from the North, Onitsha from the East or Lagos from the West without coming across someone practicing a different religion from others to testify that Nigeria is for all.

On a final note, it would not be out of way for government and other stakeholders in the education sector to introduce a subject to strengthen interfaith relationship among the two religions so as to nurture pupils of primary schools as well as students of secondary and tertiary institutions to know that the reason behind our existence is to achieve a unity of purpose and not to be killing ourselves in the name of protecting political or socioeconomic interest.

As for me, I never hold any grudge nor keep malice or even attempt to harm anybody as Islam does not encourage disunity among people.

Nigeria is for all. We should not allow any sort of ethnicity or selfish interest to overshadow the quest for moving the country to a greater height which could only be achieved through peaceful coexistence by respecting our differences  and core values as the will of Almighty God.

Adamu Gabi, a journalist wrote from Bauchi
