It took a lot of my will power and the right decisions to rise to the level I am – FCT Judge

Justice Mabel Segun-Bello, a Federal High Court Judge, says to be shifted from a poverty-stricken background to a place of success and influence, one has to make well thought out decisions while enforcing their willpower. She spoke Saturday in Abuja at the 2024 clarity conference, themed: ‘The constellation; gathering of stars, by stars and for […]

It took a lot of my will power and the right decisions to rise to the level I am – FCT Judge
It took a lot of my will power and the right decisions to rise to the level I am – FCT Judge

Justice Mabel Segun-Bello, a Federal High Court Judge, says to be shifted from a poverty-stricken background to a place of success and influence, one has to make well thought out decisions while enforcing their willpower.

She spoke Saturday in Abuja at the 2024 clarity conference, themed: ‘The constellation; gathering of stars, by stars and for stars.’

Segun-Bello, who was Keynote Speaker at the event, said her journey to the top was not an easy ride, but with determination, she made it.

Addressing the participants, who were mostly young people, she said: “Your condition may be that you come from a poverty stricken background. It is powerful, but you have a will to say you won’t be poverty stricken”

“If I tell you the story of where I come from, two things will happen to you; you will either say I am lying or you will start crying. Rising to the pedestal of a Federal judge took me making the decision to not remain where my condition left me.”

“The power of decisions is greater than your condition, whether you become successful today and tomorrow you become poverty stricken is resident in your decision.

“That tells you principles of will power and the making the right decisions are universal in application. If applied, anything is possible.”

Convener of the conference, Atuzie Favour Tuzzi, said the conference was organized to show young people how to implement their ideas.

“We did the clarity conference to basically take youths from ideation to implementation. Most people struggle and feel they are not good enough because of the exposure they have had. That is, their early environment, what they saw their peers doing in school.

“This conference aims to address all that,” Tuzzi said