It’s all about you this season

At times like this parents, aunties, uncles, friends, big sisters and brothers are usually running around to shop and get presents for their kids nieces and nephews, friends and relatives. It never crosses the minds of many that they too could do with some pampering and gifts of their own as well. For Mr. Henry […]

It’s all about you this season
It’s all about you this season

At times like this parents, aunties, uncles, friends, big sisters and brothers are usually running around to shop and get presents for their kids nieces and nephews, friends and relatives. It never crosses the minds of many that they too could do with some pampering and gifts of their own as well.

For Mr. Henry Osagie a quiet Christmas is the best gift to self. “I have always enjoyed quiet Christmas time because it’s the only way I get to appreciate the holiday season. I encourage my family to travel if that is what they want to do as long as they return in time for us to spend New Year’s Day together.

“Those few days that I spend alone are my best days in the year. I am as excited as a child and free to be as free as I want with no one asking me when I am coming home or why I am not home at a certain time.”

Oye Alonge said she has decided that, “December 24th to January 2nd will be days dedicated to me and my affairs alone. I will spoil myself silly and do to me all some of the things I do to other people.”

“There is nothing wrong with a ‘from me to me’ Christmas gift every year’, said Mrs. Rao Fernandez a teacher and mother of three. “You have had a long year and have worked very hard to ensure you have success with your career, family and other things you do. It is absolutely appropriate that you treat yourself to something special and unique.

“Since October I have booked myself to spend the weekend before Christmas at a beach resort where I will have spa and go on a cruise. It is something I have always desired to do and finally pulled it off this year after months of coercing my husband and children into letting me off for three days.”

For Mr. Alvin Raji, it’s been a year of dedication to children, spouse and everyone with hardly any time for self.

The IT consultant said, “It was a hectic year at work. I got promoted in August which came with more responsibilities. I also for about three months had to get both my sons through preparing for major exams and phases in their lives.

“This Christmas I have planned to go shopping for a few things that I only I can use. Cost will not be a factor to consider because I have earned it and deserve to celebrate my success my way.

Last year I made the mistake of relying in my wife and she came back with what she thought I needed; of course with fringe benefits to her if I found them useless. I’m sure you know already that she won. I am not taking the risk this time.”

Brenda Ameh I have planned an alone time with me, myself. Beginning Christmas Eve to Christmas evening, I’ll be incommunicado. I’ll eat whatever I want, watch television as long as I want and enjoy that special treat I am yet to decide on. I couldn’t get away with spending Christmas day on my own so I’ll go hangout with my girlfriends on Christmas night.

The twenty three year old said she is looking forward to it because it will be her first holiday without last minute running around for her parents, older siblings and extended family. “I’m usually o excited by the time I am done that I don’t even get to enjoy the celebrations in the end.

“This year Christmas and New Year holidays will be all about me,” she quipped.

“There is nothing wrong with being selfish for your sake and a good time to be so is at the end of the year,” said Mrs. Sa’adatu Mohammed.

The grandmother said she gets away with it by doing her shopping very early which leaves Christmas and New Year week absolutely free for her. “I have had it this way for at least five years now and this will not be an exception.” Anybody who wants me this season has to fit into my plans not me trying to accommodate myself into theirs the fifty nine year-old said.

Taking time out at some point or the other during the year to pamper ourselves is something we should all do. For many, Christmas time is the most convenient to do so. There is still time to do something special for yourself this season. Do give it a thought. Remember, you are as important as you consider yourself to be.