‘It’s better to tone than to bleach’

What does a cosmetologist do? When I tell people I am a cosmetologist, the only thing that comes to their mind is makeup. That’s just a part of it. It is everything put together—skin, hairdressing, facial treatment, to bring out the best in a person. You also specialise in skin treatment. Is there anything special […]

‘It’s better to tone than to bleach’

What does a cosmetologist do?
When I tell people I am a cosmetologist, the only thing that comes to their mind is makeup. That’s just a part of it. It is everything put together—skin, hairdressing, facial treatment, to bring out the best in a person.

You also specialise in skin treatment. Is there anything special you do to satisfy your clients?
I tell my clients that you cannot come to my place without experimenting your money’s worth. Anyone who comes here will tell you professionalism is respected here. We actually care for our clients. For people with hair loss, when they start and keep coming, they notice a change—no more hair loss. For skin care, I’ve met people who said they want to buy bleaching cream to lighten dark spot or simply bleach their skin. I tell them not to try it as bleaching cream exposes their skin to all kinds of cancer. I advise them to use a moisturising toning lotion, simply means a product that gradually lightens. When you do something gradually, you don’t get skin disorders. Some people use creams that make them fair, like half-caste, but they can’t remove their clothes in front of people. They have cellulite, green rings, patches, uneven skin, even black knuckles and in later years might end up having skin cancer.

Do you recommend therapy for someone born dark?

I don’t encourage people to bleach their skin. It’s advisable to tone your skin.

What’s the difference?

Bleaching is using very strong chemical agents on the skin. You get the results quicker than when you tone. I don’t recommend bleaching but toning. Maybe toning up, like two shades lighter than your skin tone just for you to brighten up. It is good when you go for a job interview, you walk into the room and you are glowing. That’s a plus for the company. I do recommend this for every lady. It is part of taking care of oneself.

Are you saying looking natural is not a good thing? Do you need to tone up or touch up?
I didn’t say people should change their skin colour. I said tone up, to brighten your looks. You clothes look better on you.

Is there any side effect in toning skin?

No, there are no side effects when you tone. Most toning creams are made from natural ingredients. The main ingredient is collagen which not only helps your skin glow but makes the client look younger.

Have you had to treat persons with side effects from bleaching or black knuckles and do you have remedy for them?
I have had a couple of clients who went to buy lightening cream. When they came back to me, I smiled and thought, now you are coming back after destroying your skins. Some of the skin problems they came back with, I can’t really treat it. With black knuckles after treatment in time the darkness will come off. But when it comes to other things like cellulite, I can’t prevent that. For someone whose skin has become too light—it’s a dangerous trend.
I did brow waxing for a lady once and her skin peeled off and started bleeding, I was scared. I advised her professionally against waxing and told her to use a blade, she refused. I urged her to use natural shea butter to build up her skin for a while.

Is make-up compulsory for every woman?

I have people and celebrities say, oh, I don’t wear make-up. Some weren’t directly talking to me. But in my mind, I always felt like asking them, seriously, what do you define as make-up? That’s what we should ask. Powder is make-up. Every lady in the world uses make-up. What we do is let them know that aside wearing powder, there are other little things you could add to make you more beautiful, because everyone is already beautiful.

In enhancing beauty, what’s the level you shouldn’t exceed?

There is a degree beyond which make-up looks too scary. When I was studying in Ghana, a teacher made reference to Nigerians looking like they had their party make-up on always. If you go to a proper beauty school, you will be taught different types of make-up, with regards to time of day. Day make-up is subtle. Going to work wearing heavy make-up is not advisable. This means you are no more selling the product you are supposed to sell or doing the job you are meant to do but rather you are selling yourself or your face. When it is too much you look out of place. Most make-up artists going to places to learn or self-taught artists sell a lot of junk to people. I don’t sell what I haven’t tried, irrespective of the brand. A brand has something new, you haven’t tried it but you sell it to your client because it is big name. Your client doesn’t even have the know-how to apply it on themselves and they look awful. Every lady should do some measure of personal make-up class.

Is that important?

Yes, to know how to make-up and the products that suits them best. Sometimes when women come for classes, I encourage them to bring their make-up products so I don’t make them buy what they already have. And when they do, I realise that 70% of what they have is not even their skin shade. I also tell people to have samples. It doesn’t cost anything.

What do you dream to achieve?
I was in London early this year and I went out with my sister at Suffrages. She asked me, have you started aspiring to have little stand at Suffrages in House of Lisa? I told her, that’s exactly what I want. My dream is to have branches in different parts of the world, to have beauty schools, to give scholarships.