It’s your time to reign

In the book of Esther chapters one and two, the Bible gives the account of how Queen Vashti was removed and she was replaced with Esther. Esther 2:17, “And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set […]

It’s your time to reign
It’s your time to reign

In the book of Esther chapters one and two, the Bible gives the account of how Queen Vashti was removed and she was replaced with Esther.

Esther 2:17, “And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.”

Esther was orphaned, adopted and a stranger. She was disadvantaged and disqualified; but she was promoted. She moved from a “nobody” to a “somebody”. God has a track record of bringing greatness out of unlikely places. He knows how to elevate ordinary people to extraordinary positions. He made a prime minister out of a prisoner. He made a princess out of a prostitute. He made a queen out of a peasant girl.

I don’t know what your background or story is; God will make you a major influence. He will make you a voice and not an echo.

I see you rising higher than you are now!

Nathaniel once asked when he heard about Jesus, can anything good come out of Israel? Say out loud, “Don’t write me off, God is my father!”

Nabal once spoke disdainfully about David and asked who is the son of Jesse. Don’t write me off, I’m work in progress!

Esther was favoured! 2:9. Favour obliterates every disadvantage; favour will bring to you what you are not qualified for. It will take you to places and heights you don’t merit on your own. Favour will open doors for you, goodness and mercy will accompany you as you enter such doors. She was promoted and celebrated. Favour opened the door for her elevation and celebration. There was transfer of power. Crowns will change heads (not hands) in your favour! It’s your turn to reign! Don’t settle for the bottom.


It’s your time

God started a process that took four years to complete. Queen Vashti was deposed in the third year of king Xerxes. Esther was crowned in the seventh year.

She was not connected to the programme God started until after a few years later. God started the process of your promotion long ago. He is about to connect you to it! Begin to look around you for fresh open doors.

It’s your time to smile; it’s your time to celebrate; it’s your time to be celebrated; it’s your time to be recognized; it’s your time to wed, buy and drive a car; build a house. It’s your time!



Esther’s preparation lasted twelve months. She was under the instruction of a man who knew what the king liked. She had seven specially selected maidens to anoint her body with special oils for twelve months. She was kept in the best part of the harem. She was given special diet. She was located properly, connected properly, taught properly, fed properly and dressed properly.

While you are waiting, prepare!


7 Essential ingredients of a winning preparation

Your answers to these seven questions will determine if you will ever be promoted and how big your promotion will be.

  1. What goals are you working on? She was working on becoming the next queen. Activity is not necessarily accomplishment. Many are busy pursuing the wrong things. She was working on a very huge vision. The greater your vision the higher your chances of achieving greatness.
  2. Where are you located? She was located in the right place; in the choicest part of the harem. Note that the right place may not necessarily be the most comfortable place. For Joseph the right place was Egypt, then Potiphar’s house, and then jail. At this point, he was VIP-Vision In Progress. The right place is the place appointed by God for your connection to the next level. You need to be in the right town, doing the right job, worshipping in the right church, living in the right place.
  3. Who are the people closest to you? Can they advance you towards your goal? She had seven specially selected maidens from the king’s palace. Your team or inner circle determines your placement.
  4. Who are your mentors? Who are the people that instruct you? Do they know what the king wants? Esther had Modecai and then Hegai the eunuch.
  5. What do you feed on? What do you feed your mind with? What books do you read? What magazines do you spend money and time on? What films do you watch? How much do they contribute to your goal? She had special diet. Most importantly, you ought to feed your mind with positive, hopeful, winning thoughts. You need also to feed constantly on the Word of God.
  6. What do you put on? Esther wore only the clothes Hegai suggested. The man knew the king well and what the king liked. She did not dress to make herself happy but the king. Like Joseph, she dressed for her destination. You should dress your mind for where you are going. You should be prepared for your opportunity. She had the right attitude. Work on your attitude, character, etc. Hope, humility, obedience, teachability, patience.
  7. How much time do you spend doing those things that will lead to your promotion; those things that will advance you towards your goal? Realize that activity is not necessarily accomplishment. Esther spent 12 months preparing for one night; the night that was to be the defining moment of her life. She got it right! You will get it right!! You need to prioritize your work and spend time on those things that will add the most value to your life as you move towards the fulfilment of your goals in life.

Your promotion is inevitable; God has decreed it. You are God’s choice. The opinion of your enemies is irrelevant. God has answered your prayers. You have just been moved to the next level. The God of Esther is on your side. Anyone fighting you is fighting against God. Congratulations!!!


Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.


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