‘I’ve always wanted my picture on a book’

Bookshelf: Why did you choose to write children’s literature? Chijioke Gaius: Indiscipline in the society is my driving force. If the child imbibes strong values, he or she will become a disciplined person in the future. My books encourage children to become disciplined members of the society, after all the God we worship is a […]

‘I’ve always wanted my picture on a book’
‘I’ve always wanted my picture on a book’

Bookshelf: Why did you choose to write children’s literature?
Chijioke Gaius: Indiscipline in the society is my driving force. If the child imbibes strong values, he or she will become a disciplined person in the future. My books encourage children to become disciplined members of the society, after all the God we worship is a God of discipline. I write because I have love for my target audience.

Bookshelf: What inspired your story book ‘Adventures of Nkwo?
Gaius: It talks about how a child, from the cradle becomes ambitious and succeeds in his academics. Nkwo has those attributes. It teaches that one needs to be industrious to succeed. It’s targeted at children from senior primary to junior secondary school

Bookshelf: How did you start writing?
Gaius: I remember reading books outside the prescribed text while in school. Books I read, such as ‘Eze Goes to School’ and ‘Things Fall Apart’ influenced me. I also always admired the fact that one writes a book and is recognised for it. I particularly admired the picture of the author at the back and it became a goal for me, that one day I will write a book and have my picture at the back. I started writing when I left secondary school and by the grace of God my dream has come true. One of my books, ‘Erekosima’s School Days at Umuahia’ is a reminiscence of my school days.