
“I don’t know who sold the homeland–but I know who paid the price”. These were the words of the late Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish.   It was utterly bizarre having to watch Arab countries, Jordan and Saudi Arabia most prominently, participate in the defence of the terrorist republic of Israel when Iran launched 300 projectiles […]


“I don’t know who sold the homeland–but I know who paid the price”. These were the words of the late Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish.


It was utterly bizarre having to watch Arab countries, Jordan and Saudi Arabia most prominently, participate in the defence of the terrorist republic of Israel when Iran launched 300 projectiles against it. Meanwhile, these Arab countries have demonstrated a perplexing lack of responsibility for their own. These are countries that still won’t lift a finger to stand up for their own kin! Case in point, it took the Republic of South Africa, a country on the other side of the world to file a complaint against Israel thereby opening a legal front against the abominable Zionist mass murderers! It took Shiite Iran to provide military support for the Palestinian resistance.

Few days back, I watched the British foreign secretary, former prime minister David Cameron, condemning Iran during an interview. “If one of those drones or missiles had slipped through, a lot of people would have been killed!”, he argued. It was so bizarre hearing these words from his mouth. So, these people actually knew that it is wrong to fire explosive projectiles into a populated area. How come they are not condemning this same Israel for drenching Gaza with missiles and drones and gunships, with unguided munition… and for good measure, with white phosphorous too!

These are the same people bullying and threatening a sacred UN institution for doing its job every time doing its job stood in the way of their selfish, malicious interests. A few days ago, a group of Republican senators in the US wrote a letter to the ICJ threatening to go after this whole UN institution if it dared do its job. The West was in rapturous applause when the ICC issued an arrest warrant against Putin for crimes that are far less heinous than those the Russian military is accused of perpetrating in Ukraine even by western accounts. Some leader of the free world, ladies and gentlemen! And this is not just a neocon fringe movement, Israel is a bipartisan project in the US.

I watched Israel’s ambassador to the UN tell the world he expects the US to cease funding the UN if a resolution recommending the recognition of Palestine’s eligibility for joining the UN as a full member passed in the UN General Assembly. This is a country that has so brazenly defied America and the whole world to go into Rafah, to “defend” itself against 1.5 million defenseless Palestinians who are mostly women and children.

I just can’t bring myself to believe that these people did not know that if everyone is allowed to “defend” itself the ways it saw fit, there will almost certainly not going to be an Israel today. To argue his point, he invoked a US legislation that restricts the US government from funding any organization that recognizes anyone the US does not like. But the same Israel has decided to breach another US legislation that says that the US shall not assist anyone doing the things Israel is doing. This is how bold and insolent Zionists have become.

There is a violent crackdown against student protestors in American university campuses because these protestors “harass” Jewish students and faculty, because they chant “from the river to the sea”–those are antisemitic pronouncements and that is just so damn unacceptable. US authorities are going full fascist against its own citizens because they say things that hurt Jewish sensitivities–yet they see nothing wrong in the epic slaughter being perpetrated by these same people. You are not allowed to hurt the feelings of Israeli Jews, but you are allowed to murder tens of thousands of Palestinian Arabs women and children.

They also didn’t think it was wrong when it was used in the charter of Israel’s ruling Likud Party. That is in fact where that slogan came from. It was not a bad thing when Israelis do it, but wrong when someone does it. How does anyone explain this to the Muslim world, how would the Muslim world now ever accept that the West is a fair dealer, that America is the leader of the free world?

There was a part of me that used to believe that advanced intellect and moral rectitude are a package deal–because anyone who is really smart, not in the crackpot Machiavellian way, but someone working the long haul in mind, would know that this is self-hate, self-harm.

In the opening days of this flare up, many people argued that there was simply no justification for what Hamas did on 7th of October 2023 and I completely agreed. That was because as a Muslim, I was taught that harming women and children, the aged, the infirm, the noncombatant and even the combatant who has surrendered was not acceptable.

About 1,200 Israeli civilians were killed in the wake of Hamas’ violent attack, mostly civilians. There is nothing I am willing to accept as justification for that. But then in following weeks, the world was treated to a truly wanton campaign of bloodletting that broke virtually every declaration of the Geneva Convention. The IDF took everything Hamas did, multiplied it by a thousand and threw it back at Gaza. So far they have murdered about 35,000 Palestinian civilians. So there can be no justification for killing 1,200 Jewish Israelis but there is a good one for killing 35,000 Palestinian Arabs?

In another episode, the Israeli ambassador to the AU asked delegates in a speech what they would do if their mothers were kidnapped or assaulted by terrorists. I certainly would react strongly, but I would certainly not murder 15,000 children. I will also not deny food and water and medicals to 2 million people for more than half a year. I don’t know if its just me or that the effrontery is just so disquieting, because these people have completely lost touch with reality, so unhinged have they become that they constitute a real and present danger to everyone including their own selves.

Like, does it ever occur to Zionists that the other side is also peopled by actual human beings. They ask you what you would do, but it never occurs to them the other guy is also asking the same question and maybe prepared to go as far as you are also willing to go for their own pound of flesh. It never occurs to them that the other side is also willing to go very far to even the score if their mothers, their daughters, their loved ones are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by IDF terrorists.

Hamas was also “defending” the Palestinian people of Gaza by responding to crimes committed against them by Israel in the past in order to punish and establish deterrence. And since it is acceptable to use extreme measures, measures everyone disagree with, including those who have stood with you in thick and thin for better and for worse, those who in the name of loyalty are ready to look the other way when you murder women and children “defending” yourself; since anything goes when someone grievously hurts you, then why are you screaming bloody murder over October 7th? Hypocrisy? Clinical dementia? Canonical contempt for the goy? Is it the fact that Arab leaders have sold Palestine for the price of Palestinian blood?


Einstein once wrote that the foundation of evil is not evil men but good men who condone evil! I therefore accus
