JIBWIS to hold int’l conference on Unified Halal Certification

The Jama’atul Izalati Bid’a Wa Iqimatus Sunnah (JIBWIS) has concluded plan to hold first international conference on National Unified Halal Certification for foods and drugs in Nigeria. The National Chairman of JIBWIS, Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau, stated this at a press conference in Abuja. According to Sheikh Bala Lau, the sessions will cover a range […]

JIBWIS to hold int’l conference on Unified Halal Certification

The Jama’atul Izalati Bid’a Wa Iqimatus Sunnah (JIBWIS) has concluded plan to hold first international conference on National Unified Halal Certification for foods and drugs in Nigeria.

The National Chairman of JIBWIS, Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau, stated this at a press conference in Abuja.

According to Sheikh Bala Lau, the sessions will cover a range of topics and feature a variety of speakers who are going to talk about the benefits of working toward understanding commonalities in halal standard while also learning about the different halal standards for countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.

Sheikh Bala Lau noted that the global Halal market, which is gradually becoming larger, is estimated to be more than 2 trillion dollars annually. He further noted that to successfully reach collaboration on halal standards, there is need to be a more level playing field for certification with maximum transparency about processes and standards.

“As part of global community, Nigeria should benefit from this large growing global market. It is our intention to promote this through unified and standard Halal certification in Nigeria,” he said.

In his remark, the Chief Executive of FOSSREA, Engineer  Aliyu Haidar Mijinyawa, said that the proposed conference would draw international experts on trade and finance, and provide opportunities for all stakeholders to contribute towards the project.