Job anomaly at Unijos

Permit me to comment on a video clip that has gone viral on social media on the issue of lopsided “employment” in the University of Jos, Plateau State. When I watched a video clip on an alleged job scandal in the Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State, I was shocked, but when I […]

Job anomaly at Unijos
Job anomaly at Unijos

Permit me to comment on a video clip that has gone viral on social media on the issue of lopsided “employment” in the University of Jos, Plateau State. When I watched a video clip on an alleged job scandal in the Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State, I was shocked, but when I watched that of the University of Jos, I became speechless because of the “conduct” of its V-C. There are too many scandals in our dear country!

From the said clip dated 6th February, 2020, it was alleged that 75% of the about 3,350 staff members of the university, a federal university, were from the North- Central Geo-political zone while 55% of the staff members about 2,000 of them were from Plateau State alone with zero “slots” for many states of the federation. That was perhaps made possible because it was discovered from the clip that both the VC and the registrar of the university were from Plateau State. Who knows whether the Governing Board chairman is also from the same state too.

In the said clip, the vice chancellor’s conduct before the honourable members of the Federal Character Commission was terribly disheartening The V-C was asked: “For how long have you been a VC?” He answered: “four years”. It was discovered that he recruited staff in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 (four times within the period). He was asked: “whether he was aware of imbalances in the university’s staff members after he became the VC?” He answered: “Yes!” He was further asked: “whether he took any step to address it?” He answered: “Yes I did”. He was asked: “How?” He replied : “How?,  I don’t know how.”

The VC was asked under oath whether he knew the provision of the Federal Character Principles and has duly followed them in the said recruitment exercises? He answered yes! There was no sign of “remorse” or “fear” by the said VC in the said clip.

There are a lot of allegations on employments and or “recruitments” being based on either “nepotism” or “cronyism” or “ favouritism” or “elitism” or “racketeering” and or the use of “bottom power” all over in my dear country.

In my view, the government should and or must avoid appointing VCs and registrars from the same state in the interest of justice and fairness to other Nigerians. How can justice and fairness be achieved as humans with an indigenous V-C of a federal university and an indigenous registrar all from the same state and at the same time?

However, one wonders how that comes about despite Section 2 (1) of the Federal Character Commission Act which provides for a representative from each of the states of the Federation; and sections 4 (1) and 5 (1) of the Act which talk about monitoring and enforcement of the act by the commission. There are also the “Senate” and “House of Reps” committees on Federal Character Commission which were both set up to ensure “just” and “fair” implementation of the act among all Nigerians , but here we are.

Permit me to commend the Federal Character Commission’s Committee of the Federal House of Reps for “uncovering” the said anomaly in the University of Jos. We cannot thank you enough! There should and must be thorough investigation on not only the University of Jos, but on all government agencies to ensure justice for all. We demand for nothing but justice among all Nigerians in the context of Federal Character Principles. This must not be swept under the carpet.


Nurudeen Dauda wrote from Kaduna,   [email protected]