Jonathan: An exceptional statesman at 59

Not many Nigerians would easily reconcile themselves to the fact that former President Goodluck Jonathan will be turning 59, on November 20. Obviously, going by his vast leadership experience and record of landmark achievements, he appears to have flown so high in so short a time, way ahead of his years. It is to the […]

Jonathan: An exceptional statesman at 59
Jonathan: An exceptional statesman at 59

Not many Nigerians would easily reconcile themselves to the fact that former President Goodluck Jonathan will be turning 59, on November 20.
Obviously, going by his vast leadership experience and record of landmark achievements, he appears to have flown so high in so short a time, way ahead of his years.
It is to the glory of God that, while some politicians at that age may still be struggling to get into their first public office, Jonathan has exceptionally checked the boxes for Deputy Governor, Acting
Governor, Governor, Vice President, Acting President and President. But then, the character of his peculiar odyssey is even much more nuanced than that; for it resonates more in the subtlety of Jonathan’s modest disposition, than in the uniqueness of, what some may see as, providentially coursing through all key governance positions in the land, at a young age. The truth is that Jonathan’s love for humanity, as well as his humble and compassionate nature, eminently stand him out.
Jonathan came into politics with a master-class outlook that redefined love for nation, echoed selflessness, championed inclusion and promoted non-violence. For him, the famous declaration that “my ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian,” was not just a creative catch-phrase or rousing rhetoric, it was an article of faith that epitomised his craft.
Perhaps no other policy distinguished Jonathan more in office, than his honest and transparent outlook on election issues. He started by not only cleaning up and standardizing the electoral process, but by also ensuring that the principle of one-man-one-vote became the main pillar of the nation’s democracy. He set about implementing his vision for a credible electoral system by first appointing Professor Attahiru Jega as boss of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), strictly on his own merit, without having ever met him.
The result was that under Jonathan’s Presidency, elections were evidently free, fair and transparent. INEC’s independence and Jonathan’s policy of non-interference became so prioritized, such that the ruling party lost major elections, even at great pains to the former President and his party men.
Those who make light of Jonathan’s historic telephone call to concede the 2015 Presidential election to his rival, President Muhammadu Buhari, even while the votes were still being counted, fail to realize the true import of that gesture, in a clime where the roots of democracy are still very fragile.
In the first place, it takes great courage to concede like Jonathan did in the face of beckoning ample opportunities for contestation, especially when his second term bid and legacies were at stake. Even in advanced democracies, it is a tough choice.
It is not for nothing that the Jonathan example is already being cited as a standard for politicians seeking elective positions in other African countries. Last year, just before Tanzania’s presidential elections, The Guardian of Lusaka wrote a perceptive editorial, reminding the local politicians not to go below the standards already set in Nigeria.
Out of office, Jonathan’s statements have remained tame and he has continued to preach peace.
Nigerians can always connect to the former President’s broad-based Transformation Agenda which pursued policies that expanded opportunities for economic rebirth. At an average GDP growth rate of 7%, the Transformation Agenda recorded tremendous progress in key areas of the economy by tackling the challenge of youth employment and entrepreneurship, transforming agriculture, enhancing ICT development, growing Nollywood and the entertainment industry; while generally keeping inflationary pressures down to single digit.
The truth is that despite what is going on today in the camp of those who desperately seek to pour odium on Jonathan’s records, history will be kind to him, for his valuable contributions to national development, and substantial effort towards entrenching democracy on the continent.
In Zambia, while tension was rising over a recently concluded contentious presidential election, the heads of the various election observer missions looked up to Jonathan for solution. The former
President who was the leader of the African Union Group rose up to the occasion by activating his esteemed diplomatic antennae, which eventually calmed nerves on both sides. His iconic admonition in Lusaka that “If Africa can’t yet send men to the moon, we should at least organize elections that are free and fair, of which the whole world will be proud,” has continued to plague the conscience of all dishonest politicians on the continent.
Like the previous year, this birthday will probably come through as one of Jonathan’s best, in recent times. This is because it will afford him the opportunity of a quiet reflection, without the usual distraction from self-seeking politicians and rent seekers, who would have been competing to outdo themselves in mindless exhibitionism, had he still been in power.
Last year, Jonathan’s first birthday out of the Presidential Chair coincided with the time he was leading the Commonwealth negotiations for the resolution of the political crisis in Zanzibar. Given Jonathan’s credibility and democratic credentials on the continent, the lot again fell on him from the Commonwealth to resolve the logjam, shortly after he had led the international body’s election observer team to the general elections in Tanzania.
This year’s anniversary has also come at a time the former President is fully engaged; splitting his time between honouring international speaking engagements, working on his memoirs and attending to programmes of the nascent Goodluck Jonathan Foundation (GJF).
I join millions of other Nigerians, who daily throng his social media pages for his messages of peace, love and inspiration, to wish His Excellency a happy birthday.
Mr. Eze is media aide to Dr. Goodluck Jonathan