JSCP secures scholarship for 136 vulnerable children in Jos

Benue/Plateau Trust reports that most of the beneficiaries are children of widows who have lost their bread…

JSCP secures scholarship for 136 vulnerable children in Jos

The Jos Stakeholders Centre for Peace (JSCP) through its Psycho-Social Support Group has secured scholarship for 136 vulnerable children of Naraguta community of Jos North LGA of Plateau State. 

Twelve schools in the community signed a pact with the non- governmental organisation to provide tuition free education for the children who are either orphans or less privileged following the crisis in Jos. 

Benue/Plateau Trust reports that most of the beneficiaries are children of widows who have lost their bread winners and means of livelihood, as a result of the unrest. 

Pwakim Jacob Choji, Consultant Coordinator, Search for Common Ground, under which the Collaborative for Violence Prevention Survey, which produced the Jos Stakeholders Centre for Peace, said, “These are people that have been affected by crisis, where they have lost their source of livelihood and some of the children have lost interest in going to school. 

“So we were able to meet some schools who have agreed to give scholarship, that is tuition-free education, which we believe will inspire the children to go to school. 

“We also believe that if this set of children go to school, even if hitherto they had this revenge mentality, they are likely to feel that the society has catered and have supported them. It is more of giving these children hope as they grow, believing that as they are supported to become more reasonable, than if they had not gone to school; as they are more likely to promote peace, “ he added.