Judges recording proceedings in long hand is archaic –JK Gadzama

What is your assessment of the judiciary in the country in the last one year?   In the last one year, the judiciary has improved  but  there is still room for improvement. There are factors responsible for the slow dispensation of justice and disposal of cases which have resulted in the perception that the judiciary […]

Judges recording proceedings in long hand is archaic –JK Gadzama
Judges recording proceedings in long hand is archaic –JK Gadzama

What is your assessment of the judiciary in the country in the last one year?
  In the last one year, the judiciary has improved  but  there is still room for improvement. There are factors responsible for the slow dispensation of justice and disposal of cases which have resulted in the perception that the judiciary is weak. The delay in disposal of cases in our courts is caused by a number of factors. Firstly, the system of recording proceedings in long hand by our judges is time consuming and is actually archaic. Also, some of our judges appear to be over-laboured as they have large number of cases pending in their courts. Another factor is the use of technicalities and some legal procedures like interlocutory applications, preliminary objections, unnecessary adjournments etc by lawyers. These and other reasons must be tackled and resolved for us to have speedy resolution of matters in our courts.

What informed your decision to join the race for the NBA presidency?
  My decision to run for the coveted position of NBA president is borne out of selflessness, the desire to serve the Bar and passion to harness the accumulating gains of our profession, consolidating same and to lead the NBA to greater heights. It is also a response to the numerous calls and yearnings of my learned colleagues nationwide to serve this noble association.

What is your cardinal programme for the NBA which you are seeking to lead?
My mission in this race is to serve with integrity and run an inclusive NBA dedicated to the advancement of the interest of its members and protection of societal norms and values. I have also developed a number of welfare support programmes for members of the Bar if elected. Also germane is the issue of discipline in the profession which I will holistically address if elected.
The welfare and capacity development of young lawyers will also be paramount if I am elected. Another area of interest which I will address is initiating a health insurance policy in collaboration with the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) for all interested lawyers and their family members to guarantee easy access to quality healthcare and benefits. This will go a long way in addressing the health needs of lawyers and their family members.
Under my leadership, the NBA stamp and seal policy will be enhanced by tackling all delays in its production by ensuring that the stamps are produced and made available to lawyers promptly upon application. The NBA car stickers is also another area of concern and I intend to put machinery in place to ensure that they are serialized and customized for lawyers to avoid its abuse by non-lawyers as is presently the case.
If elected, I will run the NBA in a transparent manner by ensuring accountability and openness in all dealings and affairs of the association. Generally, I will run an all-inclusive NBA, promote the rights of members and consolidate on the achievements of the present leadership of the association in the overall interest of the association.

What is your opinion about the restructuring debate?
The restructuring debate is indeed timely. According to a Daily Trust report of 2nd June, 2016, over 27 states are in distress despite the bailout by the federal government last year. I think there is actually over dependence of the states on the centre and some states have become too relaxed and unproductive to generate their own revenue in spite of abundance of solid minerals, agricultural products and other available resources. I am of the view that we should practice true federalism as it is ideal for our country.

Charges of impunity are still being alleged. The NBA has been docile in speaking out against some of these things. How do you hope to make a difference?
The NBA has a pivotal role to play in the promotion of rule of law in the country. If elected, the defence and promotion of the rule of law, good governance, accountability, transparency, fundamental rights, human rights and peoples’ rights will be in the forefront of my administration. The NBA under my leadership will always speak for the voiceless and defend the defenseless. If I am elected, I will ensure beneficial, well informed, timely and coherent contribution to the debates on national issues and promotion of democratic ideals and institutions. The promotion and protection of the legal profession and the independence of the judiciary will also be advanced if I am elected as the president of the Nigerian Bar Association.

The fight against corruption has been the main focus of this government, do you think it is being fought with sincerity of purpose or is the government only going after the opposition as alleged in some quarters?
Corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the fabric of the nation. Quite encouraging is the commitment that the present administration has shown in the fight against corruption and I call on every Nigerian to support the Federal Government of Nigeria in this crusade. I agree that majority of those being investigated and/or prosecuted for corruption related cases are members of the opposition but this does not necessarily translate to witch-hunting the opposition. A cardinal point that must be borne in mind in this fight against corruption is that human rights must be respected at all times and the rule of law must be strictly complied with. I encourage all Nigerians to support the present administration, criticise constructively and contribute our own quota to the growth and development of the country. I am optimistic that with collective efforts and sincerity of purpose, the fight against corruption will be won.

NBA is said to have lost vibrancy and become ‎an appendage of the federal government, what do you hope to do to bring back the glory of the NBA?
 It might not be totally correct to say that the NBA has lost vibrancy and has become an appendage of the federal government. This is because in the past years, the NBA has recorded a number of achievements and made its impact felt in the area of promotion of the rule of law, protection of the rights of members, advancement of the interest of members amongst others. However, there is always room for improvement. If elected, I will put machinery in place to strengthen the association and consolidate on the achievements of the present leadership of the association. If elected, I will ensure a more effective, efficient and purposeful NBA committed to the protection and promotion of the rule of law and maintenance of the best traditions of the Bar.