Just how many kids should you have?

It’s amazing how many women troop to hospitals these days all in the effort to terminate unwanted pregnancies. “We are only agents by the Almighty, we cannot decide when and if we want to have children or not. Even if we do any family planning, if God has destined that we will bring forth a […]

Just how many kids should you have?
Just how many kids should you have?

It’s amazing how many women troop to hospitals these days all in the effort to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

“We are only agents by the Almighty, we cannot decide when and if we want to have children or not. Even if we do any family planning, if God has destined that we will bring forth a child, nothing and nobody can stop it. In the first place why will I carry a pregnancy to term and decide to abandon it just because I want to avoid the wrath of my husband? If anything should happen to the child, nature will hold me responsible. If he does not want any more children, he should stop sleeping with me.  But he does it without taking measures. It just doesn’t seem right; they definitely have a big question to answer on the day of judgement for all the pregnancy they have aborted,” says Mrs. Rabiat Abdulkareem.

“Most times we wonder if our lives will be better off with just one kid to cater for. But we must understand that these kids are not our making but the wish and making of the Creator. Most women who do stupid things just to satisfy their loose lifestyle or the desires of their husbands do not deserve to be called a woman. May God never give me the heart to carry out such devilish act so as to satisfy my worldly gains or for any man for that matter,” says Rakiya Umar, a mother of five.

As most parents will attest, children are wonderful despite the difficulties associated with them. However, that does not mean you should become a baby machine, said Mr. Patrick Steven. “There must be reasons for a man to decide that he does not want another child, at least he would be honest with and warn his wife forehand against having a many children. Of course, children are blessing to us, but when we bring them to the world and cannot provide the basic necessities of life for them, then of what use are we as parents to them?  Those who do not want to have many kids should take measures to prevent the occurrence of a pregnancy.  That child being aborted is too young to start experiencing the cruelties of this world and second, the woman in question is not fit to be called a mother. A mother, no matter what, is always protective of her child or what happens if the only child you have dies?

One hopes that Mr. Steven’s advice would not fall on deaf ears so that when couples are ‘enjoying’ themselves, they would be careful. They should not allow the sensation and excitement of ‘doing it’ to overwhelm them especially the men, if he is to withdraw at ejaculation time. Sociologists have said that when men reach orgasm, they lose control, so withdrawal becomes difficult.

Mr. Adetunji Hassan believes that proper and decisive decisions are the only way that one can effectively determine the number of kids to have in a family. “This is something that has to be negotiated by both partners to reach a decision that is acceptable to both parties and it should not be done if one is not at peace with it. Ultimately, the best time to have kids is when you are emotionally, physically, psychologically, intellectually and financially ready.

We cannot afford to have children suffering in the world; we owe them a duty to protect them. Children do not decide when they want to come it is God that gives them to us.  He of course has a purpose for giving us that opportunity to be called parents as there are millions of couple who are looking for that opportunity with all the wealth and power but cannot find”

The big question here is why carry the pregnancy to term and then abort it. The best thing to do is if an wanted pregnancy occurs is simply to keep and deliver the baby and then take it to an orphanage home, that is if the couple is not ready to keep it instead of killing the innocent child. At this juncture, let me salute the courage of those who mistakenly have babies they do not want yet still keep them.

Besides what manner of responsibility does a man have to accuse his wife of being irresponsible and not taken caution in preventing a pregnancy from happening? It’s quite strange what the world is turning to.



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