Kaduna Igala Muslims hold prayer for peace

The prayer session which was led by their Chief Imam, Alhaji Jibril Adam, included the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, glorification of Allah and seeking His forgiveness and mercies in the face of the insecurity and hard times in Nigeria.He prayed for peace to reign in all facets of the nation’s life and admonished the […]

Kaduna Igala Muslims hold prayer for peace
Kaduna Igala Muslims hold prayer for peace

The prayer session which was led by their Chief Imam, Alhaji Jibril Adam, included the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, glorification of Allah and seeking His forgiveness and mercies in the face of the insecurity and hard times in Nigeria.
He prayed for peace to reign in all facets of the nation’s life and admonished the people to continue to pray, saying  “there is need for onsistent prayers so that Allah can have mercy on Nigerians and the country.”
Ustaz Nuruddeen Abubakar delivered the lecture saying prayers by Muslims are both an act of worship and to seek Allah’s forgives, mercies and blessings.
He said for Allah to accept the supplication and prayers of a Mumineen (a true believer), there is need to seek forgiveness (Istighfar), and glorification of Allah consistently.
“Also, Muslims must and should not engage in unlawful (haram) prayers, as such would not be accepted by Allah,” Ustaz Nuruddeen said adding that those are some of the conditions with Allah may accept our prayers.
He added that there are places and moments Allah accepts the prayers of a Mumineen; during Dawaf, Arafat, and stoning of Shaitan in Makka during the Hajj. Also the prayers of the sick, someone on journey and while prayers at the venue of Islamic lectures,  father to son, the oppressed and during cock crow can be answered and granted by the Almighty Creator.