Kankara: Garba Shehu apologises for ‘10 students kidnapped’ gaffe

The “10 kidnapped” claim crumbled after 344 students returned

Kankara: Garba Shehu apologises for ‘10 students kidnapped’ gaffe

Garba Shehu

Presidential spokesman Garba Shehu has apologised for downplaying the number of schoolboys abducted on Friday night at Government Science Secondary School, Kankara.

It came after 344 boys were released and returned to Katsina this Friday.

The actual number of boys taken on the night of Friday has never been certain. The school had its roll call. The numbers have fluctuated and some boys who fled later returned.

It has been an add-and-subtract game, but in the midst of it, Shehu had mentioned 10 as being abducted.

Hours after the boys’ release on Friday, he said his mention of 10 was “incorrect communication.”

“I apologize for the incorrect communication citing that only 10 students were kidnapped at the science school, Kankara,” he tweeted Friday evening.

“This communication of numbers was provided by persons that should ideally know. These numbers were seen to conflict with what was available at that time.

“Please understand that this communication was in no way done to downplay the seriousness of the situation.

“Please accept my sincere apologies on this matter as we continue to move our great Nation Nigeria forward. Thank you.”